A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 10th day of  OCTOBER 2011 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mr Garland (Chairman),Messrs. Lambert, Glasscock, Cooper, Storey,  and Mrs Smith. Also present 3 members of public and Sq Leader Neilds.


APOLOGIES - received from Mrs Batten, Mrs McGeeney, Mr Spanswick, Mr Lawrence & Mr Reeve.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - the Chairman suspended the meeting for 10 minutes to allow the public to address the Council. Members of public raised concerns about the condition of the footpaths & road surface in Nightingale Lane. The Oakfields estate was included in a 3 year programme to have all the footpaths re-surfaced only part has been done. A “No Through” sign was also supposed to have been erected. It was advised that the residents should contact Highways as well as the Council doing so re these complaints. Clerk would report again and enquire about the progress of the re-surfacing programme. Sq Leader Neilds advised that he has been re-instated and will be at RAF Lakenheath for the next 4 years. All members of public left meeting at 7.40pm.




1   SNT - Feltwell has been prioritised to target issues of anti-social behaviour in St Mary’s Churchyard & also concerns about speeding. Warning of police officer impersonators.


2   Risk Assessment - Clerk advised Monster required photo’s of problem’s with zip wire, this is in hand, to determine if damage is covered under warranty. Manhole cover still not repaired, Clerk to remind Mr Scarff. Litter collector has finished sweeping tennis court for this year. Mrs Smith did inspection, generally clean & tidy with no major problems. Mr Lawrence to do next inspection.


3   REGBIO - As the period to keep area of allotment land expires on 15th October, the Clerk had emailed REGBIO to enquire of any progress as the land would need to be put out to tender. Email received from REGBIO advising they still wanted to pursue this matter and ask that the area of land is held for a further 12 months, subject to agreement. Chairman proposed that this area of land is held for another 12 months, same terms as previous year, all agreed. Clerk to contact solicitor to advise REGBIO.


4   Changing Rooms - revised business plan received. Email received from football club enquiring if the Council would provide them with a letter confirming that they are going to lease them the land & of the commitment of a maximum contribution of £50,000 to the project, this is required  to assist them in applying for grants. It was agreed that a letter of intent could be sent to the Football Club. They also enquired if they could place a notice board on the grassed area outside Central Garage, Clerk to advise that this is Highway owned so they could not give permission but the garage may give permission for one to be placed inside the railings on their land. Clerk has spoken to solicitor re points raised for initial drawing up of lease and the solicitor advises to wait and see what terms any grant body requires before progressing further, agreed.






5   Land Registry - NFN


6   War Memorial - Quote received in writing to paint railings, £300, this work is complete. All work now done, grass laid, wall repaired, railings painted area looks very nice and it was agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to the volunteers of Friends of St Mary’s who carried out the work Remembrance Sunday 13th November, wreaths to be ordered.


7   Allotment Enquiries - Certificate received from CGM re dealing with the knotweed.


8   Village Sign - Mr Lambert advised nearly done. Sign has been washed, post painted, new slates on plinth these were provided by N Wilson. Mr Batten has helped with this project. It was agreed letters of thanks are sent to Mr Batten & N Wilson for their help, thanks were also expressed to Mr Lambert.


9   Long Lane - email from Highways advising matter being investigated & we will be made aware of the findings at the earliest opportunity. No response from Mr White or MP.


10  High Street Sign - in hand.


11  Oak Garden - quotes from CGM to spray area £26 or to clear area and spray £90. Mr Lambert advised he would try and clear area, all agreed to leave at present.


12  KL&WNBC - LDF - Clerk read out email sent to Borough re this, it was agreed to copy to MP asking for her support with this issue.


13  Report to Highways - Hythe Rd not yet done, footpath Hill Street in hand.


14  Wall, The Beck - Clerk has sent letter to owners, via Goymour, who are their agents.


15  Parking Bell Street - bad accident recently which seems to have helped to solve this problem, occasionally resident parking on grassed area, this is safer than parking on the road.


16  Audit - no major problems, auditor had noted that the Clerk had used tippex (not allowed) and one area internal auditor had not completed. Completion notices displayed on notice board as required.


17  WNVCA - donation request - declined.


18  Residents Letter  - letter advising the footpath along Hythe Road near Churchyard has been widened, this had been requested by the Council.




19  NCC - delivering local highway improvements in partnership with Parish Councils - information on proposals & invite to submit bids. Closing date 20/1/12 - to be discussed next meeting. Future roll of small schools.  KL&WN Settlements Surface Water management plan - briefing notes. Norfolk Minerals & Waste LDF - notification of adoption






20  St Mary’s PCC - Festival of Light participation - no volunteer.

21  Boundary Commission - 2013 review of Parliamentary constituencies - Mr Storey advised that we would not be losing any MP’s under this review.

22  KL&WNBC - draft statement of licensing policy - licensing of sex establishments.

23  CPRE - meeting 19/10 re local plan. Booklet on how to respond to planning applications a 8 step plan.

24  Norse - landscape development - services offered.

25  Society of Local Clerk’s - ongoing training for Clerks - currently not members.

26  Jubilee Woods Project - leaflet.

27  Brochures - FLP. Wicksteed. Littlethorpe. Parish magazines.


28  CHEQUES - were signed for the following - L Peckham £636.05, Methodist Church £16, S Sargent £114.70,  Post Office £138.98, B McGeeney £99.96, Anglian Water £186.69, Mazars £342, D Gardiner £300, Viridor £56.40, CGM £720.


29  PLANNING - none for meeting. On 2/11 the following were APPROVED by 4 Councillors - L Hurrell, 2 Leonard’s Lane - proposed extension and alterations. Mr & Mrs Jones - Laine House, Southery Rd - construction of 2 storey extension, fireplace & chimney and new detached double garage.




30  Letter Resident Clerk advised she has sent letter to another resident re filling up the blue bulk bin, resident had acknowledged letter and apologised for use.


31  Report to Highways - Oakfields Estate as reported by residents. Southery Rd is very dangerous, copy of letter to be sent to MP & Cllr White.


32  Incinerator Campaign - request for Parish Council assistance - email to be copied to each councillor for discussion next meeting.


33  Rangers Visit - this is scheduled for w/e 7/11/11 - Clerk to report areas. Apparently the previous report was not received so any outstanding area will be carried over.


Next meeting to be held 14th November 2011.

Meeting declared closed 8.35 pm.

