A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 11th day of  JUNE 2012 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Mr Lambert (Vice Chair) Messrs. Storey,  Spanswick, Mrs McGeeney and Mrs Mills. Also present Sq Leader Neilds, Mr Garland & 14 members of public.


APOLOGIES - received from Mr Cooper, Mr Lawrence & PCSO Milburn.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman.


PRESENTATION - the Chair suspended the meeting to present Mr Garland with a glass tankard on behalf of the parish for 23 years of service, Mr Garland thanked everyone present.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - the meeting remained suspended for 10 minutes to allow members of public to speak.




1   Vacancy - Mrs E Mills was duly elected onto the Parish Council at the election held 24th May, the Chair welcomed Mrs Mills to the Council. Mrs Mills signed her declaration to office prior to the meeting. Clerk advised costs of election not yet been advised.


2   SNT - email re SNAP meetings received, Clerk has forwarded copy for insertion in magazine. One reported theft of trailer in Lodge Rd.


3   Risk Assessment - Quote from CGM re ivy on trees received, £180 net. Mr Storey felt more than one quote should be obtained, under financial regulations this is not required for work costing under £200. Mrs McGeeney proposed quote is accepted, seconded Mr Storey, all agreed. Clerk still waiting for costs from Mr Scarff. Mr Cooper did inspection nothing new to report. Mrs McGeeney would do next month.


4   REGBIO -  Clerk read out email from REGBIO advising that as the land will stand idle for at least the next 6 months to a year then they would have no objections, as long as there are no legal issues, for somebody to us the land free of charge. REGBIO have paid a holding fee until October on the land and it was felt that for the present time the area should be left vacant but it needs to be sprayed, proposed Mr Storey, seconded Mr Spanswick, all agreed. As Mr Waters farms the land adjacent it was felt he should be asked to submit the cost to do this, agreed.


5   Changing Rooms - Plans not yet received, the FA have approved the amended plans as advised at the last meeting. Clerk advised that the Borough no longer hold an approved list, they do hold a list of companies that have carried out work on their behalf. It was agreed that as no approved list is held that local builders are invited to tender for the work. As time is moving fast the Chairwoman proposed that the plans are submitted to Borough re planning permission, all agreed. Mr Samuels to be asked to submit the plans, agreed. A reduced planning fee should be payable by the Council. Insurance costs at present are £210.48pa, altogether the running costs of the building at present is approximately £1000. 






5  cont  - Mr Storey had enquired to Borough re the CIL, Clerk read out email from Borough advising the requirements of this which is the old section 106 agreements placed on large developments, these do not offer schemes to help with amenities within a village not connected to a site. Sources of possible grant funding were advised.


6   USAF Feltwell - Sq Leader Neilds advised he was still waiting for response on complaints re firing range, he was advised of complaint about it being used during the jubilee celebrations, this was noted. A complaint about rubbish being thrown onto private land from properties in Blackdyke Close was also advised. Clerk enquired re progress of bio fuel plant at Eriswell, presently a dig is in progress when complete work will commence to construct the plant, it is hoped an access off Lord’s Walk will be made to site.


7   Land Registry - no response re progress from solicitors yet received.


8   Proposed Willows Incinerator - notice of more information from NCC received 15th May, comments by 5 June, previous comments still being taken into account.


9   Plaque, High St - Clerk to remind Mr Garland re photo of this.


10 Report to Highways - Rangers visited w/e 14th May, list of areas advised. Walkway from Paynes Lane into High Street reported but not done, Clerk to report again.


11 EDF - Light - light in Long Lane re-sited following completion of work.


12 Oak Garden - still waiting for cost to clean up area, enquiries were going to be made re sponsoring the area. Mrs Mills advised she could arrange for the garden to be cleared if the Council would supply the matting & shingle. It was agreed to wait to receive costs from CGM before making a decision.


13 Cheques - mandate now changed, Mr Storey, Mrs Batten, Mr Spanswick, Mr Cooper, Mrs McGeeney & Mr Lambert approved signatories for banking requirements - any 3 to sign cheques.


14 Audit - books still at internal auditors. Notice of electors rights on notice board.


15 Donation Request - Mrs McGeeney advised T shorts been ordered, copy of order given to Clerk. Mrs McGeeney advised cost is higher than agreed by Council so other fund raising been done, £123 raised so far, to cover excess, Clerk to enquire re claiming back the VAT, before invoice is received.


16 E.On - costs increased as company has changed systems and when transferring Council’s account it showed a discount of 2% was being given for paying by DD, this discount is not offered to businesses and has been removed. Changed charging system now pay a daily rate so monthly payment differs re number of days in month, daily charge for supply is £12.95, this has not increased.


17 Review of Committees  - still one more needed for allotment committee, to be filled when fuller Council.






18 Review of Rates Paid - Clerk read out litter collection costs over past few years. Due to the standard of work carried out by Ms Sargent Mr Lambert proposed she is awarded a 5% increase on her current hourly rate of £6.08 with immediate effect, seconded Mr Spanswick, all agreed. Hourly rate will now be £6.38. Nothing further heard re Clerk’s wages yet.


19 Resignations - Clerk advised that an election has been called to fill all three vacancies, Borough have been able to deal with all the vacancies together. If election is contested then it will be held on Thursday 12th July. Borough have enquired if polling cards should be issued, the Chair proposed to keep costs down no cards should be issued, all agreed.


20 Report to Highways - Potholes reported have either been repaired or marked for repair.


21 Activity Sessions - email from Methwold area Children’s Centre re a summer activity programme, to use the playingfield during the school holidays. Clerk had requested more information not yet received. It was agreed until more information is received no decision on use can be made. Organisation to be advised there are no facilities on the playingfield.


22 Feltwell School PTA - letter requesting donations towards recently held village fete, this letter has only recently been received by the Clerk as it had been mislaid. At present the Council does not give out donations to different organisations, request declined, all agreed.


23 Appointment of External Auditor - letter from audit commission re consultation of appointment of external auditors, they are proposing to re-appoint Mazars LLP, any objections must be made by 29th June, no objections raised.


24 S/Light Maintenance - our current contractors, MHB Services,  went into liquidation as of 21st May. Clerk read out two letters from different companies - K&M Services who worked along side the original contractors have offered the Council a new contract with the same terms & conditions. Westcotec Ltd have advised they have bought MHB Services assets and will continue honouring the contracts. After some discussion it was greed no decision can be made until the legal position is determined, to be discussed at next meeting. In the meantime as it is summer any outages will have to wait until new contractors determined.




25 KL&WNBC - recycling credit clothes bank, £62.39 received.

26 Brochures - Nott’s Sport. Arbor. Parish magazine.


27 CHEQUES - were signed for the following - L Peckham £682.18, Cash £10, Methodist Church £18, S Sargent £94.76, B Reeves £30, Viridor £66.72




28 PLANNING -  Mrs S Burton - site land west of 48 & 50 Wilton Road - construction of one dwelling (reserved matters) - APPROVED. Mr & Mrs Hurrell - 2 Leonard’s Lane - demolition of existing bungalow and construction of 3 dwellings - REFUSED due to concerns re new access to 2 dwellings off Long Lane - position & visibility of proposed access - all dwellings could be accessed off Leonard’s Lane. Country Living Homes - site Hall Farm, 21 Bell Street - conversion of existing buildings into 5 dwellings, conversion of farmhouse into 2 dwellings and erection of 12 new dwellings - APPROVED note to be made that no access (pedestrian) onto Bell Street should be allowed to try and prevent parking on Bell Street. Due to his position on the DCB Mr Storey abstained from voting or discussing any planning.




29 Report to Highways - weed growth kerb side on most estates, village looks very untidy. Grass verges being cut this week. Recent work on footpaths, holes left unlit with barriers, dangerous.


30 Churchyard, St Nicholas - complaints have been made re the condition of the Churchyard, areas have not been strimmed or cut, it looks very untidy. Clerk has reported to CGM. Mr Storey felt that the whole area was a disgrace and that a meeting should be held with the contractors. After further discussion Clerk to ask CGM to contact Mr Storey for a meeting, Mr Lambert would also attend.


31 Encroaching Hedges - property in Hall Drive hedge encroaching on footpath. Properties in Hill Street growth overhanging highway.


32 Vermin on Allotments - rat population increasing partly due to tenants keeping chickens on allotments, it was agreed to obtain quotes to deal with these. Allotment inspection will take place shortly.


33 Code of Conduct - each Councillor present received a copy of NALC’s proposed new code for Parish Council’s, one should be forthcoming from the Borough not yet received. The new code should be adopted by 1st July or as soon as is possible after that date. As not all information received and time limit very short it was agreed this would be discussed at next meeting.


Next meeting - the Clerk is away the next due date of 9th July, after some discussion it was agreed that on this occasion the next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th July, proposed Chair.


Meeting declared closed at 9.10pm.

