MINUTE  1248


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 8th day of OCTOBER 2012 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Mr Lambert (Vice Chair) Messrs. Cooper, Storey, Cock, Samuels, Mrs McGeeney and Mrs Bane. Also present 14 members of public.


APOLOGIES - received from Mr Spanswick, Mrs Mills & Sq Leader Neilds.


DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST -  Mr Cock declared an interest to a planning amendment at a site in Bell Street.


MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - the meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to address the Council. Meeting re-opened 7.35pm.




1   Councillors Resignation - Mr Lawrence has resigned from the Council - Clerk to advise Borough, position will be advertised and if no request for an election is made then the vacancy will be co-opted.


2   SNT - one theft from property in Mundford Rd reported.


3   USAF Feltwell - rubbish still being dumped on Mr Lambert’s land, he will report this.


4   Risk Assessment - annual inspection due this month, report not yet received. Mrs McGeeney did inspection, a lot of tree debris laying around, most areas ok. Lime has been dumped near container, letter to be sent to football club re this. Sharp areas on fence this needs to be looked at, Mr Scarff to be asked to look at this, agreed. Mrs Bane would do next inspection.


5   REGBIO - solicitor has emailed company re payment. Mr Cock enquired if there was a legal agreement between the Council & REGBIO re this land, it was advised that the fee being paid is a holding fee, our solicitor has advised on this matter.


6   Changing Rooms  - the parish meting was held on 5th October, with the majority of those present voting in favour of a proposal that £90,000 of capital monies are spent on re-building new facilities to replace the changing rooms. The Clerk advised that she needs to know how much should be put down on the grant applications, bearing in mind that fees will need to be paid & Vat, even though this can be reclaimed, will have to be paid. The response from the parish meeting was positive for this project and the proposal gives guidance to the Council of the maximum amount of money to spend on it. It was felt that some money needed to be retained for fees etc and possible other projects. Mr Storey enquired if the amount of grant aid could be determined before any decision on the amount being met by the Council was made, any grant giving body requires copies of accounts and will not consider an application without knowing what amount of money the applicant is contributing, due to the large amount of capital funds we have available no grants would be awarded unless we contribute a substantial amount. After further discussion Mr Samuels proposed that £80,000 is submitted on the grant application forms, seconded Mr Cooper - Mr Lambert, Mrs McGeeney, Mrs Bane, Mr Cock & Mrs Batten against, Mr Storey abstained.





6  cont .. - motion not carried. Mr Lambert proposed that the amount of £75,000 should be submitted on grant application forms, seconded Mrs McGeeney, Mr Storey, Mrs Bane & Mrs Batten in favour, Mr Cock, Mr Samuels & Mr Cooper against, motion carried. Clerk advised that deadline for Norfolk Construction grant application is 19th October, she will submit this application. Mr Lambert enquired re the Olympic grant, this to be looked into. Norfolk FA to also be contacted re grant. Mr Storey felt the number of people who attended the parish meeting was disappointing considering it was held to discuss spending public money but the majority of those who did attend supported this project and the amount of money to be spent on it. Mrs McGeeney felt that some of those who attended the parish meeting were rude. The Chair advised a risk assessment had been carried out on the present changing rooms and the door to the away team changing area has been sealed with no access, as this area is where the ceiling is damaged, only the managers of the teams can access through the home team changing area to allow access to the rear corridor and toilets, all doors to the changing areas remain locked during matches. Team managers have signed disclaimers to this affect. For future reference Mrs McGeeney advised that the Methodist Church had been approached re hiring room for mottlers but the fee of £15 per hour was too high for the group.


7   Land Registry - Clerk read out emails from R Fisher tree officer at the Borough, he advised that TPO’s are usually put on trees that are under some sort of demonstrable threat, did the Council feel the tree is under threat of removal & who owned the land? Clerk advised of the Council’s concerns that the tree could be removed in the future & that highway’s owned the land. Mr Fisher advised he would check with NCC’s tree officer & advise her of our concerns but he felt that Highway’s would be keen for the tree to remain in place.


8   Report to Highways - Footpaths Oakfields, Highway’s have advised re weed control spraying again, Clerk to contact re concerns again. Next Ranger’s visit due w/e 5/11 - reported areas should be done then.


9   Oak Garden - Highways have not yet contacted Ms Wither’s, Clerk to chase this.


10 Audit/Balance Sheet - External audit complete, no comments made, required notices displayed.


11 Churchyard, St Nicholas - another meeting to be held with contractors after last cut at end of month. Mrs Batten advised volunteer cleanup took place, not many volunteers but a lot achieved.


12  Code of Conduct - one outstanding, Councillor noted.


13  Bin, Long Lane - next meeting.


14  WNBC - Changes to Refuse Collections - letter from Borough advising that due to the high demand on officers to attend parish meetings, scheduled meetings have been cancelled. Due to this they propose to hold several open evenings at various locations for representatives from parish councils to attend to hear more about the bin changes due in April 2013. Venues & dates to be advised. Information about proposed changes have been publicised, Mr Storey felt that money would be saved with the new changes.


15  Encroaching Hedges - no action yet re hedge 2 Oak St, Highways to be pushed to deal with this. Owner of adjoining land not yet determined, Mrs Bane would enquire from relative of owners. P.T.O.





16  Letter, Newcome Family - email from Borough advising of costs and procedure re changing street name - costs involved would amount to £700 for new signs & data changes, Borough now charges for these. It was strongly suggested that all residents of Newcombe Drive are consulted by the Parish Council & only if more than one third object it should be rejected. A nil return would be taken as in favour of the change. Residents may also claim costs that may be incurred re a street name change which include documentation changes, these costs would not be met by the Borough Council. The final decision would lay with the Address Officer. After some discussion it was felt that Mr Newcome should be advised of these costs & requirements. Mr Storey proposed that a letter is sent to Mr Newcome re the possible costs involved, advising that the Parish Council would require payment in advance to cover any costs accrued if he wishes to proceed, seconded Mr Samuels, all agreed.


17  Planning  - Hall Farm, Bell Street - further amendments received - no further comments made.


18  Encroaching Hedges/Trees - next meeting.


19  Burst Water Main - St Johns Way - this has been repaired, some areas have been marked for attention. Highways will only deal with excess water laying, AWA responsible for burst main & any damage.


20  Report to Highways - no work yet done on areas - monitor until after ranger’s due visit.


21  Overspill Car Park, Doctor’s Surgery - two quotes received to fill in holes in area, Mr Waters quoted £450 net & J Harris £370. The Chairwoman proposed Mr Harris’s quote is accepted, Mr Samuels against, rest in favour, carried.


22  Proposed Street Name - Clerk advised that she has spoken with developers agent and they are not prepared to withdraw the proposed name of “Skye Gardens” as this has a connection with other developments they have undertaken. Legal action in a magistrates court would need to be taken by the Parish Council to seek a change to this proposed name, which may not prove successful. It was agreed that the Council should still advise it strongly objects to this name but no further action is taken.


23  Councillors Apologies - Clerk advised of regular Councillor absences from meetings and possible requirements re apologies. Present notice of apologies to continue, agreed.


24  Dog Bin - Clerk enquired now that the blue bin is locked on the playingfield, should a dog waste bin be sited nearby as these is none available in the area. Costs to be determined and possible site looked at.


25  WNBC - Standards Board - letter inviting nominations for parish representatives to serve on new standard’s board. Standard’s Committee information sheet received.


26  Allotments - Pest Control/ Knotweed - report sheet of action taken in September received re rats. Dates of when knotweed has been treated over past 2 yrs received. Mr Storey looked at these.


27  NCC - Public Rights of Way - further information sheet received.                                    







28  WNBC - Feedback sought on proposals for new recycling technology - briefing for parish councils being held 1/10/12 - Clerk received letter 28/9! Also public drop in sessions being held. Mr Storey advised that the venue for the public enquiry being held re the proposed incinerator at King’s Lynn has not yet been advised, pressure is being put upon the Secretary of State to hold this enquiry at King’s Lynn, Mr Storey felt that we should support this and a letter should be sent to Eric Pickles. Mr Samuels proposed a letter is sent to the Secretary of State Eric Pickles requesting that the public enquiry is held locally to the proposed site, seconded Mrs McGeeney, Mr Lambert & Mr Cock abstained, rest in favour. Letter re Youth Advisory Board.

29  NCC - Norfolk Minerals Waste site specific - invite to make representations.

30  NALC - O2 Thing Big - opportunity for young people re community grants. Training for Councillors & Clerk’s. NORMIT study day 11/10. Norfolk matters e newsletter. Invite to autumn seminar being held 7/11. AGM notice being held 8/11.

31  Norfolk Playingfields - invitation to join.

32  RCC - e newsletter.

33  Norfolk & Suffolk 4x4 Response - donation request to be considered when setting budget.

34  Brochures - W&S Ltd. Epic fireworks. Clerk’s & Council’s direct. Parish magazine.

35  CHEQUES were signed for the following - L Peckham £888.43, Cash £20, Methodist Church £25.50, S Sargent £108.38, Post Office Ltd £319.92, G Smith £72, AWA £322.09, L Enefer £50, Mazars £342, CGM £699, Viridor £54, Berryman £80.98.

36  PLANNING - D Torka - 55 Paynes Lane - timber workshop in garden for use for hobby of restoring classic car - residents had advised of concerns re noise issues & size of building - REFUSE - out of character and detrimental to surrounding area - Mr Storey abstained, rest agreed.



37  Report to Highways - o/s 18 St Johns pothole.


38  Mr Cooper - Mr Cooper asked if he could address the meeting, agreed - he advised the outcome of the investigation re complaints made about him to the Standard’s Board, he was fount not to be in breach of the code of conduct.


39  Playingfield/Play Equipment - Mrs Bane reported that a few weeks ago there was a lot of rubbish around the teen shelter on a Sunday and somebody had used the multi play equipment as a toilet, parents of youth football team cleaned this up as a lot of visitors watching the matches.


40  Tree, Playingfield - tree at entrance to playingfield reducing visibility, Councillors to look before next meeting.


41  War Memorial­ - brick pillar has frost damage, next meeting.


42  Remembrance Sunday - Chairwoman not able to lay wreath on behalf of Council, Mr Lambert would do this.


43  Clock - on St Mary’s showing wrong time - this was noted.

Next meeting to be held 12th November 2012.

Meeting declared closed 9.25pm.