A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 9th day of  DECEMBER 2013 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Mr Lambert (Vice Chair) Messrs. Cooper, Storey, Cock, Samuels and Mrs Bane. Also present PCSO Ross & 5 members of public.


APOLOGIES - received from Mr Spanswick, Mrs McGeeney, Ms Mills & Mr Leamon.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - meeting suspended 7.32pm re-opened 7.37 pm.




1   SNT - When PCSO Ross arrived he advised there has been 2 thefts from vehicles, one burglary from out building & 2 reports of ABH. Clerk enquired re dog fouling, it is possible that the PCSO’s may be able to fine people for this in the future at present report to dog warden. PCSO Ross left meeting.


2   Risk Assessment - Mr Leamon had took pictures of part required re nest swing, no response from company yet re costs. One quote for signs received - 4 signs depicting required wording £35 net each, to supply and fix to 2m long post £175 net each and £200 total to fix in ground. Two wall mounted signs would cost £35 net each, these are for the two entrances to the building. It was agreed to hold and obtain another quote. Mr Cock gave report, growth along wall needs cutting and treating, ivy at entrance to playingfield off walkway, topsoil removed, moss/leaves on tennis court. Mrs Batten advised soil will be used to infill when new fence erected, Clerk will ask cleaner re tennis court. Mr Lambert will do next inspection.


3   Changing Rooms - end of grant form completed, testimonial from junior’s received, photo’s taken by Mr Samuels & Ms Batten, form had to be submitted so unable to obtain further testimonials. Slabs completed. Mr Hall had charged 4 weeks hire of humidifier, used for 6 weeks. Handle on. Rate notice - no rates due. Heating is on, adjusting at moment, temperature set higher for weekends. Clerk enquired if outside light needs to be on - it is set to come on at dusk and go off at 7pm - after some discussion it was agreed to leave light on, set as present. Dug outs have been moved. Email from police re contact for building - Mrs Batten agreed to be police contact.


4   Balance Sheet  - no queries.


5   Churchyard, St Nicholas - in hand.


6   Allotment Pest Control - monthly report.


7   Overhanging Growth - no action taken, Highways to be asked to take necessary action to have this hedge cut at 2 Short Lane.


8   Street Name Plate – NFN






9   NALC - weekly updates. Funding information evening being held 31/1/14 @ Downham Market. List of meetings/committee meetings requirements - notices have to be posted re allotment meetings. New standing orders to be discussed soon.


10 Report to Highways - Hythe Road, field access will be filled with plainings.


11 Surgery, Overflow Car Park - engrossment of lease received for signature - Mr Storey proposed this is signed by the Chairwoman & Vice- Chairman, seconded Mr Cock, all agreed. Solicitor advised that consent is required to grant lease not for change of use.


12 Bus Stop - this has been passed to another team to progress, residents will be advised nearer plans completed, scheme will not be done in present financial year.


13 School Parking, The Beck - Acknowledgement letter received from NCC, full response will be sent in due course. Letter from Chair of governors advising our letter will have to be presented at the next meeting being held January with a view to asking the governing bodies permission to invite two Councillors to the full governing body meeting being held during the summer term. After some discussion Mr Cock felt the Council, through Mrs Batten as a Parish representative on the Trust, should raise this matter with the Trust at the next meeting being held in February, obtain all information before two Councillors attend, if invited, the Governors meeting in the summer, all agreed.


14 Village Sign - Clerk read out quotes from R&J Hogg Ltd - dismantle, repair & rebuild sign £3433 net, to fill in cracks £984 net. No work would take place until better weather due to materials used. It was agreed due to these costs to obtain an alternative quote.


15 Trees Playingfield - work not yet done.


16 Street Lighting - in hand.


17 Rangers Visit - report of work carried out received.


18 Grounds Maintenance Contract - advert in EDP 6/12 cost £86.76 net. Tender’s next meeting.


19 NCC - Parish Partnership Bids - resident had enquired re the footpath being continued along Long Lane to link with the path that the developer of land up to the corner of Leonard’s Lane should install once work is complete, Mr Samuels supported this request and it was agreed to contact the highway’s officer to see if the scheme would be supported. Base to be contacted re financial support for this scheme which would benefit personnel living off base in Portal Close. Decision next meeting re bid.


20 Report to Highways - all potholes have been programmed to be patched. There are ongoing works programmed for the Southery Rd.


21 Bell Street - area between posts and properties has been tarmaced - Mr Storey advised that the resident has requested the post is moved back, this has not been done yet.






22 Play Equipment Inspection - next meeting.


23 E Truss MP - copy of letter to all Councillors. Monthly e-report received. Mr Samuels felt that the MP should be invited to a meeting for member’s of public to meet. Mr Storey advised MP only available on Friday’s or weekends, she held a previous meeting in Feltwell but not many people attended. It was agreed not to invite MP to a meeting.


24 Development Bell Street - notice of property address’s & numbers at Hall Farm Close.


25 Dispensation Request - Mr Samuels has applied for a dispensation re setting the precept/annual budget requirements - the Chairwoman proposed dispensation is granted, all agreed.




26 NCC - consultation for charging for pre-application advice. Yearbook - e-copy. Norfolk matters.

27 KL&WNBC - Draft sustainability report.

28 Norfolk RCC - e-newsletter.

29 Mr Freeman MP - letter re recent planning application. He is also exploring the possibility of opening the old access further along Hill Street for safety reasons & converting the stables.

30 LTA - Shared Access opportunity - Clerk to enquire.

31 Age UK - donation request - declined.

32 Brochures - SLCC. M Gaze. UK Pos. Broxap. NGF play. Parish magazine.


33 CHEQUES - were signed for the following - L Peckham £981.16, Cash £20, Methodist Church £17, S Sargent £116.15, G Smith £36, Trade link £333.60, Hall contracts £384, W Dereham Plant £2193.60, Berryman £58.68, Viridor £54, CGM £1272.58. Letter of authority to allow Clerk to cash cheques up to £20 signed. Cq no 103347 not presented for payment now out of date - payment for playground inspection.


34 PLANNING - MOD - RAF Feltwell - construction of new 2 storey elementary school - APPROVED.



35 Report to Highways - pothole o/s 9 Hereward Way & 3 Old Methwold Rd around drain cover. Hythe Road gateways. Lodge Rd previous work breaking up - poorly done in first place.


36 Road Closure - notices were put up in Short Beck, road will be closed 6-8th Jan for water connection.


37 Precept  - next meeting.


38 Circus Enquiry - to be discussed next meeting.


39 Street Light  - Long Lane/ Leonard’s Lane - next meeting.


Next meeting being held 13th January 2014.

Meeting declared closed 8.45pm