A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 11th day of  MARCH 2013 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Mr Lambert (Vice Chair) Messrs. Cooper, Storey, Cock, Samuels, Leamon, Mrs McGeeney, Mrs Mills and Mrs Bane. Also present PCSO Bortz, S Samuels & 5 members of public.


APOLOGIES - received from Mr Spanswick.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - the meeting was suspended for 10 minutes to allow members of public to speak. Meeting resumed at 7.40pm.




1   SNT - PCSO Bortz advised of continued scrap metal & red diesel thefts, also burglaries in area. Clerk advised of reports received. PCSO Bortz left meeting at 7.45pm.


2   Risk Assessment - Still waiting for report from Digley’s. Clerk read out quotes received to replace/repair fence around car park. A discussion took place on the way forward, Mr Samuels felt the whole fence should be replaced as a capital revenue project. Mr Leamon felt a new fence should be higher all round to prevent it being climbed over. Mr Storey felt nothing should be done until the building project is completed. After further discussion it was agreed to defer any decision for a few months. The Borough were unable to help re a tree survey. Clerk read out quotes received CGM quoted £300 net & Anglia Woodlands quoted £175 net, both quotes were to carry out ground level visual inspections of the trees with written reports & recommendations of work required. Anglia Woodlands advised that they would carry out the inspection when the trees were in full leaf but would look at the trees now and report with out variation to the cost. Mr Samuels proposed Anglia Woodlands quote of £175 net is accepted with a initial inspection of the trees, seconded Mr Lambert, all agreed. Mr Lambert reported on inspection - one of the bins on play area is damaged but still usable, growth along alleyway has been trimmed back, a lot of branches laying around. Clerk has spoken to litter collector re sweeping walkway as a lot of leaves laying around, she was willing to do this if required, it was agreed to ask litter collector to sweep walkway as required this was not a regular requirement. The increasing volume of branches laying around was discussed, Mr Lambert suggested that the scouts/cubs are asked if they would collect these up and hold a small camp fire with food on the playing field, with the Council donating towards the cost of the food. Clerk advised under H&S allowing a fire on the playing field may not be a good idea. After some discussion Mr Lambert offered a trailer for the branches to be deposited in & the use of an area of his property for the scouts/cubs to hold a small camp fire with food, with a donation from the Council. Mr Storey offered his help & felt it important to offer a community spirit. Clerk to contact scouts/cubs, Mr Lambert was thanked for his offer. Clerk advised catch missing off gate into walkway, but gate still closes. Goal posts still laying beside container, Mrs Bane advised these are to be removed shortly. Mr Samuels would do next inspection.






3   Changing Rooms - Asbestos report received, low grade asbestos that can be disposed of in a skip. Chairwoman advised questions had been raised about the building still being in use due to its condition. Only the back corridor & toilets are being used at present. Mrs Bane felt that continued use should remain until work commences, people are advised of the condition of the toilets & that they use these at their own risk. A discussion took place, Mr Cock felt that this part of the building had been used since the start of the season and a few more weeks should not make any difference, the Council carried out a risk assessment and allowed the building to remain in partial use to allow football to be played, the level of asbestos has been reported as low. Further discussions took place on the use, condition & advice previously received. Mr Cock proposed that the back corridor & toilets of the changing rooms can continue to be used by the football teams at their own risk until construction work commences, seconded Mr Leamon, Mr Storey & Mr Samuels against, rest in favour, carried. Clerk read out two quotes re CDM co-ordinator  one of these has to be appointed, this is a legal requirement, before any work can commence - Calvert, Brain & Fraulo quoted £950 net & I Mason £925 net. Mr Storey enquired what role did a CDM carry out, Mr S Samuels advised this was a statutory requirement with any build of this type and a CDM co-ordinator’s role is to manage regulations during design & construction work. Mr Samuels proposed Mr Mason’s quote of £925 in accepted, seconded Mr Lambert, Mr Cock & Mr Storey abstained, rest in favour, carried. The Chair advised that the sub committee had met and discussed the tender’s received from J Hall Contracts & S Seals for the main construction work - due to the asbestos report J Halls tender was £136500 net, S Seals remained as previous at £139766 - J Hall’s payment terms are 30 days from end of month of invoice, S Seals required weekly payments. Mr Lambert advised that the committee have fully discussed the tender’s and were recommending J Hall’s tender due to the cost & payment terms. Mr Samuels felt that J Hall’s was based locally & employed locally. The start date was advised as early April with a completion date of 8th July, under standard terms. Mr Samuels proposed J Halls Contracts are awarded the contract to demolish & rebuild the facilities on the playing field, seconded Mrs McGeeney, all agreed.


4   Report to Highways - report of work done by rangers read out, Mrs Bane advised she was not happy with verge work outside her property, this was not necessary, she has taken the matter up with Mr Edmunds (Highways). Drain in The Beck is the responsibility of AWA, highways have referred this.


5   Oak Garden - to be discussed when meeting is held with highways officer.


6   Balance Sheet - no queries.


7   Churchyard, St Nicholas - Mr Lambert advised he has looked at area not too bad condition, maintenance work due to start shortly, a meeting will be held after work commences, agreed.


8   Encroaching Hedges - Clerk advised as work to cut back growth has been done at 10 Newcombe Drive, quotes have not been obtained.


9   Allotments, Pest Control - monthly report.


10 Bin, High Street - Bin has been installed Mr Cooper thanked Mr & Mrs Batten for doing this work, Mrs Batten thanked Mr Leamon for the supply of bolts & loan of vehicle. Litter collector has key and will empty this as necessary.






11 Edmund Moundeford Trust - Mr Storey advised that Mr Hawkins would contact Clerk re trustees, Clerk advised trustee’s advised previous it is their terms of officer that is required, Mr Storey would speak with Mr Hawkins again.


12 NCC Highway Services - Mr Samuels felt that enquiries should be made re a dropped kerb to allow access to the bus shelter in Bell Street, also path to bus shelter. Mr Lambert advised that if development of the adjoining property progresses then the bus shelter may have to be moved for visibility reasons. Mr Samuels also suggested that the footpath in Hythe Road is extended to the allotments. More information is required re costs & what is involved. Final decision at next meeting as bids have to be submitted by 30/4.


13 Esco NRG Ltd - Mr Samuels requested that a potential revenue loss of £14500 pa is recorded against this item.


14 Buses, Hereward Way - Mr Storey advised of complaint from resident, Clerk advised she is awaiting information from the resident re times, coach operators & numbers. Base contact numbers also available when requested. Pothole at entrance to road due to bus traffic.


15 Report to Highways - Road surface marked in St Mary’s & potholes had temporary repair.


16 Highway Meeting - not yet taken place, those Councillors wishing to attend to offer some dates & times so Clerk can arrange meeting.


17 Overhanging Growth - work has been done at 7a Oak St & 15 The Beck, no work yet at 2 Short Lane - Clerk to monitor.


18 Review of Allotment Terms of Reference - no amendments required, agreed.


19 Review of Financial Standing Orders - no amendments required, agreed.




20 Forestry Commission - new forest plan for Mundford & Lynford area - comments welcomed.

21 KL&WNBC - Parliamentary Boundary review - next review postponed until 2018. Norfolk village games - entry form.

22 NALC - Norfolk link. Notice of Chief Ex retirement. Clerk & Councillors training - topics listed - D/Market 27/3 - 10-3pm.

23 NCC - Flood risk management strategy - newsletter.

24 Norfolk RCC - e-newsletter.

25 Brochures - Online playgrounds. Sovereign. Woodberry. Clerks & Council direct. Parish magazine.


26 CHEQUES - were signed for the following - L Peckham £830.30, Cash £15, Methodist Church £17, S Sargent £89.45, Asbestos Surveys £420, KC Peckham £150, Berryman £79.50, G Smith £36.




27 PLANNING - Mr/Mrs Vaughan - land east of 46 Paynes Lane - Construction of a detached dwelling with garden room & attached double garage. Previous application withdrawn due to access at adjoining property access. After discussion planning was APPROVED with note re concerns of adjoining new access, all agreed. Mr Storey abstained.




28 Report to Highways - Crabbe’s Close - road surface & potholes. Long Lane o/s 33 road dips & surface breaking up around previous repairs, also rest of road from this point to Blackdyke Rd junction in poor condition & potholes with large pothole just into Blackdyke Rd. Verge Wilton Road around Oakfield’s Estate is being churned up and very muddy in places to due cars being regularly parked on areas. Area opposite construction site in Bell Street being overran by heavy vehicles due to access problems. Edge carriageway o/s 32 Paynes Lane broken up.


29 Bell Street Construction Site - access being used to site causing concerns, under construction existing access’s can be used, when construction complete access on Bell Street will be closed. Chimney on site was to be preserved, this is no longer visible? Chimney is to be rebuilt as was sited on plot boundary.


30 Fit Norfolk Roadshow - Mrs Bane advised she has spoken to Sport England re this grant scheme to upgrade the football pitches on the playing field, the process on the internet is quite complicated. The owners/leaseholders of the land have to deal with the grant application. To be looked at for next meeting.


31 NALC - members site, next meeting.


32 Bulk Bin Hire - present agreement ends April - new prices, next meeting. Clerk advised invoices not paid last two months due to errors, in hand.


33 Isle Project - St Mary’s - progress report given.


Next meeting to be held 8th April 2013.

Meeting declared closed 9.20pm.
