A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 13th day of APRIL 2015 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street – commencing 7.40 pm


COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Mr Lambert (Vice Chair), Messrs Cooper, Storey, Spanswick, Leamon, Mrs Mills and Mrs Bane.  Also present 7 members of the public and Sq Leader Neilds.


APOLOGIES:  Received from Mrs McGeeney and Mr Cock.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman. 


PUBLIC SPEAKING:  The meeting was suspended at 7.43pm to allow members of the public to speak, re-opened 7.45pm.




1.         RAF FeltwellSq Leader Neilds advised that the process has started regarding F35 in Lakenheath.  The housing on Trenchard Square has been taken over by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DFI).  The Red Arrows will be present at the 4th July celebrations as well as The Falcons, a Mustang, Spitfire and Wildcat.   Mrs Peckham asked what time the celebrations would start, stating that this was the same day as the village yard sales which could be cause for concern regarding traffic.  Sq Leader said usually celebrations for 4th July start at 12.00 midday but a meeting is taking place this Wednesday to finalise arrangements.  Night flying has increased over the last two weeks but should be finished after Friday this week.  Sq Leader left the meeting at 8.05 pm.


2.         SNT – Email received.  5 crimes reported; 4 thefts and 1 shed broken into and items stolen.  Norfolk PCC Children’s & Young People Fund.  13 funded projects.  £200,000 plus in the fund.  £5m allocated to Survivor’s Support Organisation.


3.         Risk Assessment – Nothing has been done yet by the owner of the property regarding the overhanging trees.  Mr Lambert carried out playing field inspection and commented that apart from various brush/scrubs that could be cleared up around the outside of the field, it had looked the best it had in a long time.  Both the black and blue bins in the play area are wobbly and need resetting in the concrete.  Lots of moss on the tennis court and scattered branches and stones.  Possible jobs for new handyman.  Mr Cooper to carry out the next inspection.


4.         Changing Rooms – Chairwoman has received the folder back from Mr Samuels and suggested placing this in the boiler room in the changing rooms.  This contains information regarding construction, certificates, electric system etc.  Mr Lambert suggested taking a copy of this to be kept with the Parish Clerk in case of fire.  There is no Business Rate Liability this year.


5.         Balance Sheet – No queries.


6.         Allotment Pest Control – Monthly report received.


7.         NALC – Weekly updates.


8.         Skate Park – Nothing to report.


9.         Trees Playing Field – These are being felled 17th April.  Mrs Mills asked how many trees are being felled.  It was advised these are the pine trees and trees along the tennis court.  Electricity will be cut off along Paynes Lane.


10.       Grounds Maintenance Contract – Still waiting for contract to be received back after amendments made.  Mr Lambert commented that they are doing a much better job this year, however Mr Storey felt that the graves in the churchyard had been mown to soil level and this was not satisfactory.


11.       Small Works/Odd Job Person – Three people were interviewed by JB/JL and the job was offered to Mr Keith Vincent who has since sent a letter of acceptance.  A list of immediate jobs to be drawn up and given to him.  Councillors to liaise with Mrs Batten or Parish Clerk regarding any work to be undertaken.


12.       Norfolk Police 50-50 Scheme – No meeting has been set up yet.  Item closed.


13.       Rural Housing Alliance – Email received and read out regarding this.  Feltwell is included in the rural parishes in which a threshold of 5 will be applied.  This was discussed and Mr Storey said that this is a new policy still being set up.


14.       Report to Highways – No response yet from officer regarding resurfacing junction at Newcombe Drive.


15.       Trod – Long Lane – Email received from County Council and read out.  It stated that the money can be held until March 2016 but advised work should be carried out before the winter weather.  Dwelling in Leonard’s Lane is being lived in.  Clerk to let planning know.


16.       Elections – No election is required for Feltwell as only 9 people stood.  Borough & General Elections will take place.


17.       Clerk’s Position – Clerk advised meeting that she has sold her house.  When the sale is complete, she is going to temporarily rent a property at Christmas Hill Farm until a suitable property has been found to buy.  In the meantime, she can be contacted via her mobile which will be put in the Parish Magazine as will a new email address.  Her post will be redirected.  A new BT line will be installed when she has a permanent residence.  The Parish Council have brought her a new computer costing £365.83 and this is up and running.  The existing computer will be given to Mr Lambert to dispose of.  New cash mandate was signed by Mrs Batten, Mr Storey and Mr Lambert.  The bank mandate cannot be signed until next month’s meeting due to elections.  The Clerk thanked Mrs Peckham for all her assistance with the transfer of her job.


18.       Audit Requirements – Books are ready and will be taken to TWR Accountants this Wednesday.


19.       Pensions Regulator – New Clerk has been nominated as a Key Contact.  Information from NALC has been received regarding this by former Clerk who will pass on to new Clerk.


20.       NPFA (Norfolk Playing Fields Association) – Renewal subscription is £30.00.  Mrs Batten proposed renewing this and all were in favour.


21.       Bowls Club – Mr Cooper reported that the AGM is in September and in the meantime the RBL have found a treasurer and a chairman so the Bowls Club are safe throughout the summer.  They hope to carry on and have the lease for another year.  They would like to thank the Parish Council for their discussions and said that their help is now not required.


22.       Tennis Court – Email from Borough Council advising that the Parks department are unable to assist with reinstating the white lines and suggested contacting CGM.  Mrs Batten suggested speaking to Mr Vincent regarding this.  Mrs Bane asked for the lines to be completed for the summer.


23.       Bus Stops – Email received from NCC advising that the location for the bus stop was chosen because it has the street light and will be more conspicuous for passengers and drivers during the winter months, and a stopped bus on this side of the junction is felt to be less disruptive to other road users at this location.  Mrs Bane felt the bus stop outside her house was dangerous.  Clerk read out email received from resident who is concerned that the new official bus stops might mean that the buses won’t stop along Wilton Road and Paynes Lane as they do now.  Mrs Peckham has spoken to the resident who told her that she had contacted Coach Services who knew nothing about the new official bus stops and that it is down to the drivers’ discretion as to where they stop.  Mr Storey said he felt the Parish Council should contact Coach Services to enquire if they will stop further up Wilton Road.  Clerk to write to resident to advise her of this.


24.       E-on Price Increase – Deemed contract rate for streetlights is increasing from 9.20p to 12.40p per kWh.  Clerk to ring EDF to compare price and then contact E-on for better deal.


25.       NALC Subscription – Subscription rate has increased from £311.50 to £313.06 per year.  Mr Lambert proposed renewing, Mr Cooper seconded, all agreed.


26.       Bin Costs – Email received from Viridor confirming there is no increase in rental prices for the bins for the coming year.




27.       E Truss MP – Monthly report received.

28.       BT Payphones – Adopt a kiosk for a £1.

29.       Capita Conferences – Email received.

30.       NRCC & WN CVA – Merging.

31.       CPRE – Summary report of recent light pollution survey

32.       Came & Co Insurers – Council matters Spring Edition

33.       Brochures – Woodberry. Parish Magazine.





34.       CHEQUES – Were signed for the following – L Peckham £929.60, Cash £15.00, Methodist Church £12.75, S Sargent £137.85, J Martin £250.00, Post Office £330.23, CGM £195.00, Viridor £140.28, Anglian Water £102.18, Nationwide Credit Card Services £439.00, Graham Smith £36.00, Berryman £20.30.


35.       PLANNING –Mr & Mrs Cock – Amendment - site between 6 & 12 Short Lane.  It was felt that no comment was necessary on this as the planning is exactly the same but the notice was incorrect.   Warren Power Ltd – Methwold Farm – Application for underground gas pipeline.  APPROVED – all agreed.




36.       Report to Highways – Nothing done about pothole on Hythe Road o/s Glebe Farm.  Clerk to report again.  No response re low water cover on Long Lane near West End. Potholes at the junction of Old Methwold Road and Lodge Road, white lines also nearly invisible.  Parking on the grass at St Nicholas Drive on the corner of Rawlins Way, making a mess of the grass.  Mr Spanswick is concerned about vehicles overtaking as they come into Wilton Road, and driving more than 30 mph, and suggested installing ‘No Overtaking’ signs.


37.       Playing Field – Swings – Mrs Bane asked if this could be discussed at the next meeting.


38.       Resignation – Mrs Batten read out a resignation letter from Mr Spanswick who is resigning after more than 20 years on the Parish Council.  Mrs Batten thanked him for his efforts and said she would be sad to lose him, and this was agreed by all.


39.       Mrs Peckham – Mrs Batten presented Mrs Peckham with a bouquet of flowers and engraved crystal vase as a leaving present and thanked her for everything she has done for the Parish Council.  Mrs Peckham thanked everyone.


Next meeting to be held 11th May 2015.  Annual Parish Meeting starts at 7.00 pm followed by Annual Meeting of Parish Council.


Meeting declared closed 8.40 pm.