The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 8th day of JUNE 2015 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street – commencing 7.30 pm


COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Mr Lambert (Vice Chair), Messrs Cooper, Storey, Leamon, Cock, Mrs McGeeney and Mrs Bane.  Also present 4 members of the public and Sq Leader Neilds.


APOLOGIES:  Received from Mrs Mills and Mr Rayner.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman. 


PUBLIC SPEAKING:  The meeting was suspended for 5 minutes to allow members of the public to speak. 




1.  RAF Feltwell – Sq Leader Neilds advised that preparations are ongoing for the 4th July celebrations.  The Red Arrows will be commencing at 4.00 pm.  The local MDP has been informed regarding the likely impact on traffic.  It was also pointed out that the Village Yard Sales are taking place that day.  Mr Cock reported that he had heard live firing during the last bank holiday but was of the understanding that this should not take place during such time.  Sq Leader agreed this should not be happening and will reiterate this to the base.  Sq Leader left the meeting at 7.38 pm.


2.  SNT – No report received.


3.  Risk Assessment – Mrs McGeeney carried out the playing field inspection on 6th June.  Tennis court lines look good and the court was being used.  The youth shelter could do with a repaint.  The bin near to the zip wire was wobbly but this is on Handyman’s list of jobs to do.  Overgrown grass around scout hut.  This has already been reported and Clerk has been in touch with contractor.  There is a hole in the perimeter fence near the main gate, Mrs Batten to have a look at.  It was reported that two children had fallen from the zip wire and had sought medical attention at The Wellington Public House which was duly administered.  Their parents had been contacted.  It was stated that this was not an equipment fault.  Next report to be carried out by Mrs Mills.


4.  Changing Rooms – Email received from Mr Kennedy stating that the carpet should have been disposed of and will ensure this happens asap, and that rent will be paid once monies had been received.  Clerk to chase.


5.  Balance Sheet – No queries.


6.  Allotment Pest Control – Monthly report received.


7.  NALC – Weekly updates.  Clerk informed meeting that following the departure of the current County Officer, Jane Scarrott, various members of staff are now covering various roles within that post.


8.  Skate Park – Clerk has forwarded a Funding Newsletter received from Community Action Norfolk to Mrs Bane who will go through this and report at next meeting.




9.  Trees Playing Field – Clerk stated that contractor had been very difficult to contact but email has now been received stating that in order to fell the remaining five trees, the tree surgeon requires the electricity line to be switched off once again and the electricity supplier to be in attendance.  Once a date has been received for this, the contractor will contact us.  He has stressed to them the urgency for this to be carried out.


10.  Grounds Maintenance Contract –Mrs Batten met with Ian Burton, CGM’s Operations Manager, and the relative of a deceased gentleman buried in St Nicholas’ graveyard to discuss the grass cutting and condition of the grave.  Mr Burton said that CGM is trialling a new machine with blades that cut the grass so it falls back down rather than being thrown around.  CGM will level the ground and reseed.  The relative will lift the headstone that is currently laid down so that CGM can carry out this work but as yet this has not been done.  Mr Burton apologised for the distress this situation has caused.  Mr Storey questioned how many times apologies can keep being received regarding the state of the graveyard and asked whether an alternative contractor ought to be considered.  Mrs Batten said that the tender was advertised in the local newspapers and the current contractor was the only company to come forward with a quote.  Mr Lambert said that in the previous year, another two contractors as well as CGM quoted and these were double the price.  Clerk to contact other parish clerks to enquire who they employ and prices paid.  Mrs Batten pointed out that it is the responsibility of the individual to tidy and maintain the condition of the graves if they have sunk and not that of the contract grass cutter.


11.  Trod – Long Lane – No response as yet from planning re investigation of Breach of Condition.


12.  Elections – Casual vacancy in the Anchor Ward has been advertised but no applications have been received as yet.


13.  Clerk’s Position – BT disconnecting broadband from previous Clerk’s property within next 7 days at a fee of £25.  Present Clerk advised she would be at her property for at least a year and asked if a phone line could be installed as the mobile reception was not great.  Hourly rate for Mrs Peckham to continue to be paid on an advisory level was agreed at £10/hour.


14.  Pensions Regulator – Clerk has received various information from NALC and The Pensions Regulator but asked if this could be carried forward to the next meeting.


15.  Tennis Court – Paint was purchased at a total cost of £22.  Lines have been painted and look good.


16.  Bus Stops – Clerk has received email from County Council stating that the signs should have been installed by now as this was requested in February, and apologised that this has had to be chased.  Clerk has emailed resident to ask if the buses were still stopping along Paynes Lane but has not heard back.


17.  Report to Highways – Patching has been done at the junction of Newcombe Drive.  Highway Officer was in village on 3rd June 2015 and email received thereafter stating that he has programmed the holes near Oulsham Drove to be patched and also the patch near Oakfields, these will be done within the next 4 weeks.  The lines at junction of Old Methwold Road and Lodge Road are programmed to be refreshed and the order is with the contractor.  Clerk to chase up pothole on Hythe Road o/s Glebe Farm.  Mr Storey reported that the white lining is now in place along Southery Road where the verge down to the dyke is very steep and has also been informed that the reflectors will be in place imminently.




18.  Playing Field – Swings – Two prices obtained, Clerk waiting for a third.  Prices were in the region of £3000 + VAT so clerk to obtain further details regarding quotations for the next meeting.  Mrs Bane stated that the older children currently have nothing to play on at the playground and Mrs McGeeney stated that when the present playground equipment was purchased, the Council agreed to purchase a swing for older children at a later date.  She pointed out that if the swings had been purchased at the same time as the current playground, they would probably have been cheaper.  Item to be discussed at next meeting.


19.  Resignation - Mrs Batten presented Mr Spanswick with a card and leaving gift, and thanked him on behalf of the Parish Council for his many years of service.


20.  Play Equipment Inspection – Inspection was carried out on Friday 5th June, report should be received this week.  Mrs Batten reported that a large bolt was handed to the Clerk which had come off the zip wire.  This has now been replaced and the rest of the bolts tightened.


21.  Grass Verges – Mr Storey stated that he is very disappointed with the standard of service provided by the Borough, not only because of the lateness of the grass cutting but also the fact that they should have returned to clear up the grass.  The lateness of the grass cutting was due to machinery not being operational.  Mrs Bane said she also contacted Borough and was told that grass cutting should take place on a 3-week basis and the reason for the lateness was due to machinery being broken.  Mr Storey said that he would be taking the issue up again with the Borough and said that if anyone else wanted to complain or report any issues, they should speak to the “Open Spaces Department” within NCC. 




22.  RAF LAKENHEATH – Email from Community Relations Advisor – Save The Date in Chairman’s Calendar for the Summer Lunch Reception – 10th July 2015

23.  NCC – Fire & Rescue Service to receive generous donation from Rotary Club, New programme launched to boost early learning for babies and toddlers (Discovery Café), Councillors to scrutinise health services in West Norfolk and continuing health care across the county, Pass out paraded for new Norfolk firefighter recruits, Norfolk coastal locations now better protected against flooding thanks to Coastal Fund, Support for ‘Hidden Carer’s’, NCC and Barnado’s join forces to support children at risk of sexual exploitation

24.  Community Action Norfolk – Stronger Together – A conference for Norfolk’s Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise Sector – 7th July 2015, Funding Newsletter

25.  Norfolk Community Foundation – People’s Health Trust Grants Newsletter

26.  UK Power Networks – Stakeholder News

27.  SLCC – Training & events programme for council clerks

28.  West Norfolk Sports Council – Annual Meeting Thursday 11th June 2015 at Lynnsport


29.  CHEQUES – Were signed for the following – S Sargent £80.76, K Vincent £140.00,

L Peckham £654.40, J Martin £650.00, Cash £15.00, B Reeves £30.00, CGM £195.00, Methodist Church £17.00, T Williams £27.12, Nationwide Credit Card Services £23.29, G Smith £72.00,  Berryman £17.96. 


30.  PLANNING – Mr & Mrs Mantle, Fieldfare Cottage, Mundford Road – First floor extension – APPROVED.  Mr & Mrs Flores, 5 Vincent Close – Demolition of existing conservatory attached to rear of bungalow and replacement with single storey pitched roof extension – APPROVED.  Mr M Cox, 25 St Nicholas Drive – Front and side single storey extension – APPROVED but concern was raised about roof line.




31.  KLWNBC – Notice of Examination Hearings for the BCKLWN Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Pre-Submission Document (January 2015).  The Hearings will commence 10.00 am on Tuesday 7th July 2015 at the Wembley Room, Lynnsport and it is anticipated that the Hearing sessions will run for a total of 10 days between 7th to 29th July 2015.  Anyone wanting to attend or requiring further information should contact Ms Clare Cobley, the Programme Officer either by email or telephone 01553 616811.  Further details available on the Examination pages of the Borough Council website.  Clerk to put this information in the Parish Newsletter.


32.  Hedges – Overgrown hedge of 6 Newcombe Drive and 2 Falcon Road need cutting back – Clerk to write to owners.


33.  Report to Highways – Footpath on Newcombe Drive adjacent to 1 Falcon Road needs weeding.  Walkway from High Street to Paynes Lane needs weeding.  Clerk to contact Highway Rangers.

Paynes Lane - hole along boundary of 50 Wilton Road needs attention.  Oak Garden extremely overgrown.  Catseyes along Bell Street were to be replaced but are still missing.  Open iron work along the right hand side of Paynes Lane as you exit onto Wilton Road.  It was reported that cars are still parking on the grass at St Nicholas Drive.  Several potholes were reported along Southery to Feltwell Road.  A resident expressed his concern about the poor condition of some of the pavements on Oakfields and stated that these were only resurfaced in August and are already breaking up due to large weed growth.  A resident asked if there are any plans to resurface the rest of Newcombe Drive following the resurfacing of the entrance.  St Nicholas Drive also needs looking at.  Clerk to make enquiries and report all issues to Highways.


34.  Grass cutting – Email received from Claire Scarff re grass areas around scout hut not being adequately cut.  She stated that the roadside verge by the entrance gate near the scout hut is also very overgrown.  Clerk to contact CGM.


35.  Memorial Wreaths – Mrs McGeeney enquired as to what happens to the memorial wreaths when the commemoration date has passed.  Mr Cock said there is a designated timescale for them to remain at the memorial and then he removes them.


36.  Review of Committees – next meeting.


37.  Thank You Letter – Received from Mrs Peckham, thanking the Parish Council for her leaving gift and for the support of past and present councillors.


Next meeting to be held 13th July 2015 at 7.30 pm.


Meeting declared closed 8.25 pm.