MINUTE  1197


A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 8th day of AUGUST 2011 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mr Garland (Chairman), Mrs Batten (Vice Chair), Messrs. Glasscock, Cooper, Reeve, Spanswick. Also present Mr Ramsey, Mr Samuels, Mr Lemon & 3 members of public.


APOLOGIES - received from Mrs Smith, Mrs McGeeney, Mr Storey, Mr Lawrence & Mr Lambert.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - the Chairman suspended the meeting to allow members of the public to address the Council. Residents living at the top of Munson’s Place spoke about the condition of the footpaths & access to their properties. Highways are responsible for the footpaths & will be contacted. The area of rough ground is the responsibility of the Borough Council and the Clerk would advise who to contact re this. Mr Samuels complained about the weed growth and footpath conditions on estates especially Oakfields




1   SNT - Chairman advised he had been contacted to confirm meeting, Clerk advised police receive copy of minutes and notice of meeting advising date. Nobody attended.


2   Risk Assessment - dome replaced with flat window, cost £117.72 net. Clerk has emailed Monster play re cost of plastic covering on zip wire, awaiting response. Work to remove ivy off wall is completed but it does need spraying again, cost to spray £26.50 Chairman proposed ivy is sprayed again, all agreed. Clerk did inspection, nothing new to report field very tidy. Clerk expressed that the fencing and gates need to be looked at especially as the skate park is not progressing. Mrs Batten would do next inspection.




4   Changing Rooms - NALC has confirmed that the Council can issue a long term lease to the football club and that a grant can be awarded against the capital cost of a new building. Letter from football club confirming that all the teams have joined together as one club - Feltwell Football Club. Letter also advises that they would like the opportunity to develop a new club facility on the existing site of the changing rooms, the monies for this would be through grants and fund raising. To commence the project they are asking that the Parish Council leases Feltwell Football Club the land to develop such a facility. They are looking for a 25yr lease with the right to construct a new club facility, with the rights to connect to drainage, water & electricity that exist on site. It is their intention to commence construction in the summer of 2012 for use in the 2012/13 season. A copy of the Football Foundations lease requirements were attached. Clerk contacted solicitor re acting on behalf of the Council to draw up a lease, he requires a copy of the foundations lease requirements. An undertaking for a long term lease to be granted to Feltwell Football Club was agreed at the July meeting. The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council meets the solicitors costs of drawing up a suitable lease, all agreed. A long discussion took place re the funding of the project, Mr Reeve was concerned that no business plan is available, Mr Lemon (Norfolk FA) advised that until they know what grants are available they cannot draw up a suitable plan. 






4   - They cannot apply for grants until they get an expression of intent from the Parish Council as to the amount of monies the Council will grant. Further discussion took place, Mr Samuels advised that it is a catch 22 situation and the scheme cannot progress without an expression of intent for a grant from the Parish Council. The Clerk advised that the Council has a moral duty to provide a facility that has been available for a long time, by previous resolution the building has to be demolished and the decision is ongoing whether to replace either by the Council or under a scheme with the football club. As the Council are aware no funding is available to them due to the amount of capital monies at hand (unless a project costs more than the monies available) but funding is available to the football club. No monies would be given to the football club until building is in progress and then in stages as required, further funding is secured , a suitable business plan and lease is agreed. Mrs Batten proposed that the Council makes an expression of intent to grant Feltwell Football Club a maximum sum of £50,000 towards the cost of a new club facility on the playingfield, seconded Mr Spanswick, Mr Cooper & Mr Garland in favour, Mr Reeve & Mr Glasscock against, motion carried. The representatives thanked the Parish Council for the support.


5   Land Registry - O/S map not sufficient for areas, solicitor will obtain one probable cost £30 net.


6   War Memorial - painting railings in hand.


7   Allotment Enquiries - Clerk advised of response from land registry on a SIM enquiry that the Munson’s’ Lane track (Piggy Lane), except for a small length of verge, is unregistered. After some discussion it was proposed by the Chairman that the Parish Council registers the whole of this track, all agreed. Clerk advised that there is some Japanese Knotweed growing in the hedge adjacent to the allotments on the Hythe Road, this plant needs careful attention to eliminate and the process takes several years. CGM has inspected the growth and submitted a quote to remove and treat the areas affected - a treatment plan to cut the knotweed close to the ground and inject the stem within 10 minutes with Roundup Pro Biactive. This treatment should be carried out bi-monthly during the growing season (March-mid October) for 3 to 5 years. Where the hedge is left completely open they will install orange site fencing to stop the public walking through - the cost has been separated as £600 net for initial treatment and then ongoing maintenance at £162.50 net per occasion - these prices are subject to the areas being treated for a minimum period of 24 months. Clerk advised that this plant spreads very easily thus the need to fence off the area to prevent people walking/driving over and spreading further. It was agreed that this needs to be dealt with promptly, Mrs Batten proposed CGM’s quote is accepted, seconded Mr Reeve, all agreed. Copies of certificates and licence to dispose of this plant required.


8   Village Sign - Mr Lambert has advised he has matter in hand but is busy with harvest at present. Mrs Batten advised Neil Wilson is providing any required slates.


9   Long Lane - 2 way traffic not coping too badly. 20mph signs not in place until end of first week, signage questionable. Urgency of work been reported but not too many problems during the first phase.


10 High Street Sign - pictures still needed - also for other signs in Moat side & Hythe Road.


11 Proposed Incinerator - more letters re health issues etc.


12 Oak Garden - nothing heard from Mrs McGeeney re costs to lay fake grass to area.






13 Report to Highways - no work still done on pot holes. When Clerk reports then receives automated response, nothing more heard - Clerk to report again.


14 Skateboard Equipment - no response from Methwold clerk. Clerk has spoken to Lakenheath clerk, the Council do not run their skate park it is the responsibility of the playingfield assoc. The park is well used especially at night but is not close to residents to cause problems. The only company they could get to insure the site is Zurich at a annual cost of £2500, signs are erected and photographed to prove they were in place as often removed. Area inspected weekly. It is unknown if the piece of equipment offered is still available but it seems not practicable, at present, to accept this offer due to the possible implications of insurance costs etc. all agreed.


15 Walkway Hedge - Clerk reported both walkways - off The Beck into Churchyard and off High Street into Paynes Lane to the countryside access officer. No response of any action yet received.


16 Viridor - Waste transfer note for blue bin waste required signing - Chairman signed this.



17 NALC - Cheque payments - the plans to abolish payment by cheque by 2018 has been cancelled. Payments can continue to those who accept payment by cheques.

18 AWA - letter advising that AWA are taking over responsibility of more sewers around property on playingfield from 1/10/11. This will mean price increases.

19 Barclays Bank - new contact details.

20 KL&WNBC - Polling district & places review.

21 Sovereign Play - new products sites required.

22 Brochures - Woodberry. Kompan. Glasdon. Parish magazine.


23 PLANNING - none for this meeting. On 22nd August the following was APPROVED - M Webb - 25 Wilton Rd - Duo pitched roof added to flat roof single garage and approved location amended by moving garage (retrospective).


24 CHEQUES -  were signed for the following - L Peckham £652.11, Cash £20, Methodist Church £20, S Sargent £105.74, Dualway Courts £600, Fenland Fire Appliance £30, Alpha BC £350, RST Irrigation £141.26, Viridor £56.52, WNBC £62.38,




25 Report to Highways - junction Mundford Rd large gully. Metal work sticking out of ground junction Paynes Lane/Wilton Rd - damage to vehicle metal cut off by Mr Scarff advised by Mr Lawrence.

26 Obsolete Lights - there a few old non working light fittings hanging over the highway around the village, Clerk to enquire re NCC if they are responsible for these.

27 Barclays Bank - offer to back up files online for a cost of £2.75pm. Agreed not required.

Next meeting being held 12th September 2011

Meeting declared closed 9.10pm.