A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 9th day of  JANUARY 2012 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mr Garland (Chairman), Mrs Batten (Vice Chair) Messrs. Lambert, Glasscock, Cooper, Storey, Lawrence, Spanswick, Mrs McGeeney  and Mrs Smith.


APOLOGIES - received from Mr Reeve & Sqd Leader Neilds.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - no public present.




1   SNT - nothing to report.


2   Risk Assessment - Clerk had contacted NALC who advised that the number of quotes required depends on the Council’s financial regulations, this will normally only require three quotes for contracts over a certain sum - which should be reviewed. The council could also appoint a approved supplier who would be engaged on an annual business for small jobs. Clerk has obtained another quote to remove stump from C Hotson , he quotes £120 net Clerk had tried to obtain another quote which was not forthcoming. CGM had quoted £82.50 for this work, Mr Glasscock proposed CGM quote is accepted, seconded Mr Cooper, all agreed. Still waiting for cost from Monster re panel. Clerk has given Mr Scarff copy of Digley report to determine what work required. Mr Lambert did inspection, no problems except a lot of branches laying around, these are moved to the side and the children transport them elsewhere. Mr Storey will do next inspection.


3   REGBIO - planning application received.


4   Changing Rooms - email from insurers re winter water damage, Clerk has turned off water & put up notice in c/rooms advising water must be turned off after every use.


5   Land Registry - NFN


6   Signs - Chairman had sent photo’s of all reported signs, except the High St all reported signs have been processed for action but because of procurement procedures and a heavy work load these may not be seen for 3 months. Photo showing junction of St Mary’s with High St/Bell St and possible wall fixed street names, permission would be required from the owners of the wall. This was discussed and it was felt that a High St sign on this wall would confuse with the Hall Drive properties, the wall is in a poor state of repair and is the responsibility of the properties that boundary it to erect signs on it may cause more problems. A sign for the High St was originally on Londis Shop, the owners have indicated previously they did not mind it being re-erected and it was felt this was the more appropriate place. Hall Drive could be helped by a ground mounted sign being erected close to the access point but the property owner’s would have to agree. The Borough also enquired if the Parish Council would be willing to help towards the cost of the signs, if it were able to pay for 2 of the signs the cost would be approx. £30.






6   cont.. - It was felt that to mount the signs on the wall was not practicable and a High St sign to be re-erected on Londis should be pursued. Mr Lawrence felt any costs should be met by the Borough Council. Mr Lambert proposed that the Parish Council should not help towards the cost of street signs, seconded Mr Lawrence, all agreed. Clerk to advise Borough.


7   LDF  - NFN


8   Report to Highways - footpath in Hill St been re-surfaced, good job done.


9   Wall, The Beck - Mrs McGeeney gave Clerk telephone number of agents, Clerk will contact as no work yet done.


10  Parking, Bell St - nothing heard from Mr Samuels re speaking with the owners, Mr Storey felt that Mr Samuels should be contacted as the problem remains dangerous.


11  Rangers Visit - Mr Spanswick advised verge on Wilton Rd still needs pushing back as not much footpath available to walk on, this are has been listed twice for the rangers. Clerk to put on next list again and report to Highways.


12  Parking O/S School - cars are parking on the yellow hatchings again. Mr Lawrence advised that parking problems have now been passed to the Borough, it was agreed Clerk to contact Borough re this.


13  Crosshill, Lodge Road - another quote from C Hotson received for work on tree, to trim back side branches over highway, £80. CGM quoted £90 but this was to raise crown 3m & reduce overhanging branches. After some discussion Mrs Batten proposed CGM quote is accepted, seconded Mr Glasscock, all agreed.


14  Parking on Footpaths - Mr Lawrence advised this had been discussed at another meeting and it is not illegal for vehicles to park on the path as long as a wheelchair/pushchair can get pass. This is known but in places it is not possible to get past because a vehicle is too far on the path, another piece to be put in magazine.


15  Report to Highways footpaths in Falcon Rd completed, better than they were!.


16  Bell St Property - Mr Lawrence advised that part of the top of the building had fell, taking out supply lines, could have proved dangerous if it had fell on the public footpath/road.


17  Precept - all Councillors had received financial report and breakdown, tax base is 673 - Clerk had also given breakdown of costs for Band D properties that pay for every £1000 required the cost would be £1.49pa. Mr Spanswick did not think we should increase the precept requirement and proposed it remains the same as last year at £25,000, seconded Mr Lambert, all agreed.


18  Dog Fouling - this is being marked in the village! - piece in magazine again.


19  Encroaching Hedge - no work yet done Clerk to monitor.   






20  Friends of Stroke Unit - “1948 Torch Trial 2-5th June - using a torch from 1948 Olympic games.

21  Norfolk Police - everything must change - closing down event - meeting 19/1. 41 out of 43 police authorities will be replaced by directly elected police & crime commissioners (PCCs). These arrangements will take effect after the elections on 15/11/12. Budget proposals also.

22  BT - letter advising broadband service is being updated offering faster speeds and we will be transferred over on 20/1/12.

23  CPRE - planning explained. Norfolk link extra.

24  Berryman  - notice of emailing invoices from 1/3/12.

25  Dynamics Fireworks - displays for queen’s jubilee.

26  Brochures - Arbour & Parish magazine.


27  CHEQUES - were signed for the following - L Peckham £636.25, Cash £10, Methodist Church £16, S Sargent £79.20, Post Office re PAYE £131.38, Anglian Water £305.72, Viridor £69.72, Digley £42, C Scarff £70.


28  PLANNING -  REGBIO Power - site land off Old Brandon Rd - installation of bio-fuelled power generation plant including means of access (Clerk advised application was received in office on 6/1/12) - a discussion took place on the content of the application,  Chairman felt that a comment should be made on the proposed height of the boundary fence at 2m it may need to be higher as the plant will not be manned. There was no valid planning objections made against the application which was APPROVED, all agreed. Due to their positions as Borough Councillor’s Mr Storey nor Mr Lawrence voted. As with all planning applications a valid planning reason was required to be noted or the planning officer could ignore the Council’s response, it was agreed Clerk & Chairman would determine a relevant planning response.




29  Report to Highways - Potholes - junction Moatside with Hereward Way. Lodge Rd just out of village. Short Lane & Paynes Lane. The Beck - branches have been laid along the verge it is not known if land owner or Highways is responsible.


Next meeting to be held 13/2/12.

Meeting closed 8.45pm.

