A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 11th day of  FEBRUARY 2013 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Messrs. Cooper, Storey, Spanswick,  Samuels, Leamon and Mrs Bane. Also present S Samuels & 6 members of public.


APOLOGIES - received from Mr Lambert, Mr Cock, Mrs Mills, SNT & Sq Leader Neilds.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - the Chair suspended the meeting for public to speak, meeting resumed 7.35pm.




1   SNT - Crime reports received, advised 3 thefts from vehicles & 2 burglaries. Norfolk PCC - first crime plan, comments invited by 16/2.


2   Risk Assessment - still waiting for report from Digley’s. One quote for fence received still awaiting others, hold till next meeting. Clerk advised that she has asked to replace the fence, straighten posts & install a new gate and alternatively to erect a 6ft wire fence along the length near the play area. Clerk advised that if a new fence is erected then this is a capital expenditure, if present fence repaired then it would be general expenditure. Clerk has written to all owners of boundary wall requesting that the wall is regularly inspected and its condition maintained safe. Mr Spanswick gave report - field surface very patchy with moss, this is the result of the chaffer bug problem. Goal posts lay near container, trip hazard, Mrs Bane would speak with team manager. Still a lot of branches laying around, this was discussed, no decision was made on how to dispose of these, Mr Samuels proposed that the cost to carry out a tree survey is obtained due to the volume of falling branches, seconded Mr Storey, all agreed. Mr Lambert to do next inspection.


3   Changing Rooms - Asbestos survey being done Wednesday. Letter from Community Construction fund re a commemorative plaque to be installed once construction is near completion. Clerk advised of email received from Mr Ramsay, FC chairman, re meeting, he felt that until costs were known it would be hard for the football club to make any proposals on running the building. Mr Ramsay was present and through the Chair addressed the meeting, a discussion took place on the way forward, Mr Storey felt that costs should be determined. Until the building is in use full running costs cannot be determined. Mr Samuels felt the question should be how much can the football club afford. Clerk advised the Council has always subsidised this building and suggested that one way would be for rent to be paid for usage for the first year until costs can be determined and then the possibility of a long term user agreement is looked at. It is also hoped that the football club will not be the only users of these facilities. Mr S Samuels advised that the build would be about 4 months so a start date of  1.4.13 latest for its completion for the new season was necessary, a calculation of some running costs was possible. After further discussion the Chair proposed that the project continues as agreed, we build wise for the future, when running costs can be determined we then decide on the options, Mr Storey abstained, rest in favour. Mr S Samuels enquired if a meeting of the sub-committee can be arranged, agreed. Mrs Bane enquired about usage if work commences, the teams will have to arrange other suitable venues






3 cont - Clerk read out quote from Mr S Samuels re project mamagement of the construction, to undertake the role of project manager coordinator & contract administrator his fee would be 1% of the contract sum - a fixed fee of £ 1395. He proposes that the contract employed would be the JCT2011 Minor Works Building with Contractors Design (2x£26.46 inc. VAT not included in fee). For this fee Mr S Samuels would carry out monthly site meetings & produce noted for circulation, carry out periodic inspections, carry out monthly contract valuations & advise the Council on amounts payable. He would also attend council meetings. Mr Leamon enquired about a CDM co-ordinator, Mr S Samuels advised he was waiting for a quote for this. Mr Storey proposed that Mr S Samuels quote for project management is accepted, seconded Mr Cooper, all agreed. Mr Storey felt the public should be able to ask Mr Samuels about this project, it was felt that any enquires should be made through the Clerk, who can then forward them onto Mr S Samuels and a record will be made, all agreed.


4   Land Registry - Email from solicitor advising War Memorial & gardens have been registered. Clerk enquired as address given as St Mary’s Street, part of the area is in St Mary’s St so this was deemed ok. A refund of £25 was received re land registry fees.


5   Report to Highways - Clerk has asked for report of work done by rangers, no response as yet. Drain in The Beck has been programmed to be re-set.


6   Oak Garden - NFN


7   Balance Sheet - no queries.


8   Churchyard, St Nicholas - NFN


9   Encroaching Hedges - hedge 2 Oak Street has been cut back, Highways had requested it to be cut back so the footpath could be used, usage is better but still not sufficient, Highways to be advised. No work yet been done at 10 Newcombe Drive re walkway. Mr Samuels felt the walkway should be safe to use and that if no work is done by the property owners then the Council should clear the area and charge the cost to the property owners. Mrs Bane was not sure about charging the owners. Mr Samuels proposed that costs to clear the encroaching growth from the pathway are obtained, seconded Mr Spanswick, Mrs Bane abstained, rest in favour.


10  Alloments, Pest Control - monthly report received.


11  Tree P/Field - work completed.


12  Property Bell Street - wooden bollards have been erected either side of property entrances so it was safe for residents to leave their houses.


13  Bin, High Street - Mr Cooper advised he was having difficulty undoing bolts, Mr Batten has offered his help, matter in hand.


14  Edmund Moundeford Trust - Mr Storey would report at next meeting re parish council representatives terms of office.






15  Report to Highways - repair to pothole in Newcombe Drive was a temporary repair patching of area has been programmed.


16  NCC, Highway Services - bids for this scheme are invited by 30th April, this was discussed more information required, to be discussed further at next meeting.


17  Esco NRG Ltd - Mr Samuels felt that to turn down this opportunity was wrong , he advised the Council of the possible income that could have been accrued for the parish, his comments were noted. Mr Spanswick felt that to take 20 acres of food producing land out of use for such a long period was risky.


18  Buses Hereward Way - Clerk advised she has not received any further information, matter closed.


19  HGV Complaint - Wissington factory have advised they had reported complaint to lorry firm.


20  Grit Bin Enquiry - Email from resident re siting a grit bin on Manor Park estate as the packed ice at the junctions on the estate are causing problems. During recent bad weather a lot of areas in the village had similar problems, to site a bin would set a precedent, provision of bins is complicated re usage. Request denied but it was suggested that resident contact Mr White, CC.


21  Donation Request - Norfolk Accident Rescue - declined.


22  Enquiry WNBC - Clerk had received an ownership enquiry from the green space officer re land in The Beck re grass cutting. Area related to verge, Clerk had contacted Highways who advised that they cut up to a meter width of verge for safety.




23  Barclays Bank - Financial services compensation scheme - form completed & returned.

24  NALC - Members site consultations - Planning changes. Community infrastructure levy. Notices - older driver campaign. Norfolk & Suffolk composting network seminar 7/3. Invite to informal meeting at Boughton 2/3/13.

25  Norfolk RCC - Health watch Norfolk. E-newsletter. Training dates warm & well.

26  Norfolk Community Foundation  - grants issue 6.

27  Came & Co Insurers - winter warning.

28  Suffolk West CAB - Trustees needed.

29  KLWNBC - Warmer W Norfolk campaign.

30  Brochures - Clerk’s & Councils direct newsletter & year book. Glasdon. TLF Contracting. FLP. Parish magazine.


31  CHEQUES were signed for the following - L Peckham £830.10, Cash £15, Methodist Church £21.25, S Sargent £51, G Smith £36, Berryman £49.24. DD E.On £15.25.


32  PLANNING - M Chaplin - 27 Nightingale Lane - Gable end single storey kitchen extension - APPROVED - Mr Samuels against, Mr Storey abstained, rest in favour.






33  Report to Highways - footpath o/s newsagents is uneven, drainage gully path sunk. Road surface & potholes St Mary’s junction with The Beck.


34  Litter Collector - Mr Samuels felt that the hourly rate paid to the litter collector should be reviewed, a reasonable living wage should be considered. Clerk advised rates paid are reviewed in May, it was agreed to defer for discussion until then.


35  Highway Meeting - Mr Storey felt a meeting should be held with the highway officer to discuss the poor condition of the roads & footpaths around the village. Clerk to arrange meeting Mr Samuels, Mr Spanswick, Mr Cooper & Mr Storey to be advised when arranged. Piece in magazine if possible.


36  Overhanging Growth - letters to be sent to following re growth encroaching footpaths/roads - 7a Oak Street, 15 The Beck & 2 Short Lane.


37  New Bins - new refuse bins will be delivered this week, posters put up around village.


38  Zurich Insurance - quote opportunity.


39  NCC  - Street lighting inventory - Clerk has advised of lights in village.


40  Review of Allotment Terms of Reference - next meeting.


41  Review of financial Standing Orders - next meeting.


42  Computer - Clerk advised of new computer purchased December as approved by 7 Councillors.


Next meeting to be held 11th March 2013.

Meeting declared closed 9.05pm.



Due to the time limit the following PLANNING was APPROVED by 4 Councillors - Central Garage - 44 high Street - extension to commercial garage workshop following removal of existing store shed. 1/3/13.