A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 14th day of  JULY 2014 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street - commencing 7.30pm.


COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Mrs Batten (Chairwoman), Mr Lambert (Vice Chair) Messrs. Cooper, Storey, Spanswick, Cock, Leamon, Mrs McGeeney and Mrs Bane. Also present Sq Leader Neilds & 3 members of public.


APOLOGIES - received from Mrs Mills, Mr Samuels & PCSO Bortz.




MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman.


PUBLIC SPEAKING - meeting suspended, no one wished to speak.




1   RAF Feltwell - Sq Leader Neilds expressed thanks for the village’s patience with the 4th July event, this event was very successful this year, some problems were encountered when exiting the base. No official notice yet re Trenchard Sq. Sq Leader Left at 7.35pm.


2   SNT - report form received re speeding, Clerk to complete for all roads entering the village. One reported crime theft from vehicle in Oak Street.


3   Risk Assessment - CGM has sprayed shrubs in wall at no cost. Email from liquidator for Lakenheath Fabrications Ltd confirming that the outstanding work on the fence can be completed by Lakenheath Fab Ltd and the outstanding balance of £5102.50 net can be paid to them upon satisfactory completion. Clerk has spoken to Mr Wing, he will confirm outstanding work to be done, hopefully commence 21st July. Mr Cock has swept the hard area. No response from Mr Scarff. Quote to clean multiplay unit, inclusive of water, £297.60 from Playmaintain. Another quote to be obtained, Clerk meeting with Mr Birch tomorrow. Mrs McGeeney did report, weeds growing through concrete and slabs. Tennis court surface poor, weed growth. Gate missing at cub hut entrance, Clerk to enquire as this should have been put back. Mainly good condition. Mrs Mills, next inspection.


3   Changing Rooms - still waiting for costs to clean gutter & replace vent. Clubs to be asked to advise for next meeting usage for new season so costs can be discussed. Cleaning stock required, Chair proposed this is purchased, all agreed. Leak under sink in home changing room, to be looked at.


4    Balance Sheet - no queries.


5   Allotment Pest Control - Clerk not yet asked for costs, allotment gardens and around hedges need baiting, especially now more chickens are on allotments. Mr Storey reminded Council that there were no shooting rights on the allotments, not even for vermin control.


6   Overhanging Growth - the hedge at 2 Short Lane has finally been cut.


7   NALC - weekly updates. Handling of complaints procedure revised, on their website.






8   Rangers Visit - due next week.


9   NCC - Parish Partnership - Clerk has spoken with Mr Wallace who advised cost of trod has been revised and County will contact us, despite ringing officer at County three times no response as yet. Mr Wallace also advised that they will oversee the walkway the developer has to install and this would be in line with the trod if the Council wanted it to go ahead before the developer installs the path - it was felt that the project should be put on hold until the developer has installed the pathway, all agreed. Mr Storey advised Mr Rands is head of the area office for highways and it may be beneficial for the Council to meet him.


10  Report to Highways - email advising that a white line has been programmed to edge the road along the dyke in Southery Road, this was not sufficient in bad weather and more reflector posts are required, all agreed. Clerk to advise Highway’s.


11  Road Sweeper/Verge Cutting - Clerk advised road sweeper due in village by 25th July.


12  Tree Playingfield - this has been removed, new fence erected.


13  Standing Orders - completed, Chair proposed new 2013 version of Standing Orders are adopted, all agreed.


14  Review of Committees - Mr Cooper will remain on allotment committee, Rawlins & Fuel Allotment.


15  Tennis Court - quote accepted, no response as yet.


16  St Mary’s PCC - NFN


17  St Nicholas Churchyard  - Mr Lambert & Mr Cock had looked at area, Mr Lambert thought it was not too bad and Mr Cock felt it was the best it had been for a while. Mrs McGeeney advised she had visited another area and only part of the churchyard had been cut, rest left fully overgrown. Monitor area.


18  E Truss MP - monthly e-report.


19  Report to Highways - patching work programmed for St John’s Way & Corkway Drove - Mr Cock advised Corkway Drove has been done but hole over bridge is sinking, Clerk to advise highways.


20  Old School Close - email received works to commence 18th July.


21  Play Equipment - Clerk has obtained one quote so far, the existing safety surface is not big enough under current requirements and would have to be made larger and deeper - quote to supply, erect & enlarge safety surface from Play maintain - stainless steel swing £4016.74 or timber swing £3542.73. Other quotes required, was it possible not to use the safety surface and have an alternative? Was one swing sufficient, not really a two bay required. Mr Leamon suggested that Lakenheath Fab is asked to see if they make swings, agreed.







22  Skate Park - Mrs Bane has looked at park in Brandon, an area of approximately 150ftx30ft is required to fit in various equipment. Room is not so available on the playingfield and she enquired if the Council would look favourably at using some of the allotment land on the OBR? Possibly a multi sport area could also be incorporated. A change of use would have to be obtained, together with planning permission. Mr Storey felt that a public meeting should be held if the project was to proceed as the land was left to the parish, Mr Lambert advised that the land was purchased by the parish. After further discussion it was agreed that more information was required re area and fund raising before any decisions are made.


23  E.On - Clerk to explore changing suppliers before decision is made, agreed.


24  NPFA - invite to join, cost £30pa - Mrs Bane proposed we join, seconded Mrs McGeeney, all agreed.


25  Residents Letter - Weed Spraying - Clerk read out letter from resident of St Nicholas Drive re the work undertaken by operatives spraying footpaths etc re weed control, requests were made for various documentation. Clerk had referred letter to the Norfolk Association and they advised that the Highway/Borough Council were ultimately responsible for this work and the resident should be advised to direct their concerns and requests to them. Clerk to advise resident accordingly. Clerk to also raise concerns with Highway’s as a lot of areas have been missed, still a lot of weed growth.



26  KL&WNBC - notification of property address - Paynes Lane.

27  Norfolk RCC - NHS Complaints Advocacy Service. Europe offer to voluntary services - seminar held 11/7. E-newsletter.

28  Brochures - Clerks & Councils direct. Interprint. FLP. SLCC. Proludic. Parish magazine.

29  CHEQUES - were signed for the following - L Peckham £874, £Cash £10, Methodist Church £17, Post Office Ltd £332.23, S Sargent £105.98, CGM £195, G Smith £36, Berryman £68.14, Anglian Water £122.86, K&M Lighting £312, Viridor £54.

30  PLANNING - Mr/Mrs Smith - 6 Hill Street - Demolition of existing rear conservatory & construction of a single storey rear extension. Replace existing flat roof with a pitched roof - APPROVED.

RK&J Jones - Southery Road - construction of building for warehouse & distribution purposes - APPROVED. Mr Storey did not vote for planning.



31  Intervillage Games - Mrs Bane reported that Team Feltwell came 2nd at the games & county final held in Norwich. Young student organised the team, it was agreed to write and congratulate Miss Webber.

32  Tennis Court - Mrs McGeeney enquired re the court being re-surfaced a lot of weed growth also.

33  Encroaching Growth - along Bell Street, Clerk to send letters to cut back. Letter sent to 6 Newcombe Drive re hedge growth, this has been cut back.

34  Lime Kiln Lane  - copy of correspondence from base to resident re the upkeep of this road which is unadopted, for reference purposes.

35  Review of Direct Debits/Standing Orders paid - next meeting.

36  Road Closure - The Beck will be closed 28th-30th July to connect to services, Hall Farm.


Next meeting being held 11th August.

Meeting closed 8.55pm.