The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 11th day of MAY 2015 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street following the Annual Parish Meeting – commencing 7.15 pm


COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Mrs Batten, Mr Lambert, Mrs Mills, Mrs Bane, Mrs McGeeney, Mr Cock, Mr Rayner.  Mr Storey arrived at 8.20 pm.  Also present 4 members of the public.


ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON:  Mr Lambert asked for nominations for position of Chairperson, Mrs Bane proposed Mrs Batten, seconded Mrs McGeeney, there were no further nominations, all agreed.  Mrs Batten was duly re-elected to position of Chairperson.  Mrs Batten signed her declaration of acceptance to office and took the chair.


ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRPERSON:  The Chair asked for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairperson.  Mr Cock nominated Mr Lambert, seconded Mrs Bane, there were no further nominations, all agreed.  Mr Lambert was duly re-elected to the position of Vice-Chairperson.


APOLOGIES:  Received from Mr Leamon.


DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST:  Mr Rayner declared an interest re a planning application.


MINUTES of the last meeting were taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman. 




1.  Casual Vacancy Co-option – A letter was read out from Mr Cooper asking if he could be co-opted back on to the Parish Council.  Mr Lambert proposed Mr Cooper be co-opted, Mrs McGeeney seconded, all in favour.


2.  RAF Feltwell – No report.


3.  SNT – Email received.  5 crimes reported; 1 building broken into and tools stolen, 2 vehicles broken into and tools stolen, number plates stolen from a vehicle and 1 portaloo stolen,


4.  Risk Assessment – Nothing has been done yet by the owner of the property regarding the overhanging trees.  Mr Cooper submitted the playing field report and most items are already in hand.  Growth on the north wall needs to be dealt with by the owner before this causes problems, also bushes have grown up here and need to be removed before they grow larger.  This is on Handyman’s list of jobs.  Mrs Peckham asked if the frame from one of the panels of the green building could be removed from her garden where she has been storing it.  This is to be kept in the storage room for future repair and refit.  Mrs Batten to arrange collection.  Mrs McGeeney to carry out the next inspection.


5.  Changing Rooms – Copy of folder is now in the Changing Rooms and original is with Clerk.  A letter was sent to the football managers asking them to tidy up the storage room which was in a state of disarray.  Mrs Batten and the Clerk both received an abusive response from a junior manager.  Email has been received from Mr Kennedy stating this was completed and rent for January to May 2015 would be paid within the next week when received from the managers.  Mrs Batten said the hire charge may need to be reviewed for next season.  Due to power supply being cut off recently to fell the trees, the water system may be out of sync.  Clerk to contact Mr Gardner to look at this.


6.  Balance Sheet – No queries.


7.  Allotment Pest Control – Monthly report received.


8.  NALC – Weekly updates.  Clerk informed meeting that current County Officer, Jane Scarrott, has left the post and that members of staff are covering her various roles as an interim arrangement.


9.  Skate Park – Nothing to report.


10.  Trees Playing Field – Only 7 trees have been felled and the 5 pines are still standing.  The Clerk read out an email from the contractor, Anglia Woodlands, which stated that the subcontractor believed they were only felling 7 trees and therefore only quoted for 7.  Anglia Woodlands said he would foot the cost to fell the remaining trees should the Parish Council so wish.  In the meantime, an invoice has been received by the Council from the subcontractor for felling 7 trees.  It was felt that as the contract was made with Anglia Woodlands, payment should only be made to Anglia Woodlands and furthermore, payment will not be made until the contract is complete.  Clerk to advise Anglia Woodlands.


10.  Grounds Maintenance Contract – Contract has been received back and is now correct.  An email was read out from the daughter of a recently deceased gentleman regarding the state of her father’s grave in St Nicholas graveyard.  She believes the grass has been cut far too short, leaving the grave in an unsatisfactory state.  Her mother was in attendance at the meeting and Mrs Batten apologised on behalf of the Council for any upset caused.  Mrs Batten will meet with CGM’s Operations Manager at the graveyard to discuss what can be done.  Clerk to arrange meeting for Friday 15th May.


11.  Small Works/Odd Job Person – Contract has been signed and returned, and a list of imminent jobs has been given to new Handyman.  He has completed some but Mrs Batten said these would take time due to the size of the field.  Mrs Peckham asked when the shrubs outside the playing field will be removed and Mrs Batten said she would contact him to prioritise this.  Mr Lambert offered to dispose of them.  Mrs Batten reported that the he has put up the plaque in the changing rooms.


12.  Report to Highways – Email received from Highways Officer stating that he believes patching is programmed at the junction of Newcombe Drive.


13.  Trod – Long Lane – Email received from planning stating that a Breach of Condition has been logged and is now being investigated.


14.  Elections – 1 casual vacancy is available in the Anchor Ward.  Clerk to advertise in Parish Magazine and Notice board.


15.  Clerk’s Position – Mandate was signed.  Clerk asked if she could have a temporary mobile as at present she is using her own mobile for Council business and has received calls from members of the public after hours.  Clerk to source new mobile.  New number to be advertised and Borough Council to be advised.  Mrs Peckham asked if existing telephone number and broadband could be ceased when this happens.   It was agreed that this is acceptable.  Mrs Peckham asked what the Council wish to do when her contract ends at the end of May, as matters will arise at various times of the year with which the new Clerk will need assistance, such as allotment rents.  Mr Lambert suggested that the Clerk should apply to the Council and then Mrs Peckham is paid an hourly rate to assist her.  Mrs Bane proposed this, Mrs McGeeney seconded, all in favour.


16.  Audit Requirements – Internal audit completed and invoiced received at £255 + VAT.  Chair read out the Annual Governance Statement and the accounts were accepted as correct.  Mr Lambert proposed, Mr Rayner seconded and all in favour.  The form was then duly signed.    


17.  Pensions Regulator – Clerk has received legal topic note from NALC but asked if this could be carried forward to the next meeting.


18.  Tennis Court – Clerk has received quotation to repaint tennis lines which company stated could not be carried out unless the whole surface was repainted at a total cost for both of £990 + VAT.  Mrs Batten felt that the Handyman could repaint the lines and she has sourced a white liner paint which would be suitable at an approximate cost of £60 for 5 cans.  Mr Cock proposed, Mrs Bane seconded, all in favour.  Mrs Batten to purchase paint.


19.  Bus Stops – Clerk has received email from Coach Services stating that they cannot ask their drivers to stop at unofficial bus stops but asking if the buses have been stopping at these since the new ones have been installed.  No-one present knew if this was happening.  The question was asked if residents knew the new bus stops were operational since the signs have not yet been installed.  Clerk to enquire as to when this is to be done.


20.  E-on Price Increase – Clerk read out 3 quotations from electricity companies to supply for the street lighting.  Cheapest was Scottish & Southern Electric (SSE) at a yearly cost of approx £5142.40 compared to E-on at £5769.00.  Mrs McGeeney proposed moving to SSE, Mr Lambert seconded.  All in favour.  Clerk to set up contract with SSE.


21.  Report to Highways – Clerk received email re pothole on Hythe Road o/s Glebe Farm, low water cover on Long Lane near West End, potholes at the junction of Old Methwold Road and Lodge Road, white lines also nearly invisible, and parking on the grass at St Nicholas Drive on the corner of Rawlins Way, making a mess of the grass.  Highway Officer said he would look at all of these when he is next in the village.  Clerk to find out when this is.  Clerk reported Council’s concern about vehicles overtaking as they come into Wilton Road, and driving more than 30 mph.  Highways said this was a police issue.


22.  Playing Field – Swings – Mrs Bane asked if Clerk could get a price for a double swing for the older children.


23.  Resignation - Mrs Batten proposed purchasing a card and gift for Mr Spanswick who has served on the Council for many years.  Clerk to ascertain exact number.  All were in favour.  Mrs Batten to organise and invite Mr Spanswick to the next meeting.




24.  KLWNBC – LDF Documents Submission – areas submitted for Feltwell.  Mrs Bane asked how many houses in total were planned to be built.  Clerk advised 65.  Mr Storey pointed out that this is planned between now and 2026.

25.  Berryman – Notice of corporate restructuring

26.  Helping Hands Home Care - Dementia

27.  Norfolk Community Foundation – People’s Health Trust

28.  Community Action Norfolk – Play Area Inspection Course 20th May 2015 and 2 e bulletins received

29.  Brochures – Viking, King’s Lynn Festival, Parish Magazine, Clerks & Councils District

30.  NCC – Retirement of Chief Fire Officer, New Approach to Adult Social Care, Scope of Fostering Review, Capital Programme investing in schools


31.  CHEQUES – Were signed for the following – L Peckham £885.08, J Martin £650.00, S Sargent £119.87, K Vincent £82.99, Cash £15.00, Methodist Church £21.25, E Lambert £5.00, Nationwide Credit Card Services £114.34, Environment Agency £36.71, NPFA £30.00, NALC £313.06, TWR Accountants £306.00, Viridor £118.44, Berryman £16.20. 


32.  PLANNING –E W Porter, Grange Farm, Old Methwold Road – Erection of steel framed building to house spraying equipment – APROVED.




33.  Play Equipment Inspection – Clerk read out a quotation to carry out an operational inspection of the play equipment at a cost of £39.80 + VAT.  It was agreed this was a necessary requirement for health and safety reasons and insurance purposes.  Mrs Batten proposed this to be carried out, all in favour.


34.  Report to Highways – Potholes outside Oulsham Drive, pothole outside Oakfields Estate on the corner with Wilton Road, white lining at junction of old Brandon Road.  Mr Storey reported a serious accident earlier this evening along Southery Road where the dyke is dangerously steep.  He has reported the requirement for reflectors several times but will contact Highways again to reiterate this.  Mr Storey said he had seen the verge cutter in the village during the day and so it is assumed he will do his rounds.


35.  Nappies  - Mrs Bane reported that nappies are continuously being disposed of along Wilton Road.  Clerk to put item in Parish Magazine requesting that they are disposed of appropriately.


36.  Grass Verges – It was reported that these are very long and unkempt.  Clerk has already reported this to the Borough Council.


Next meeting to be held 8th June 2015 at 7.30 pm.


Meeting declared closed 8.55 pm.





Planning applications were received as follows and presented to Mrs Batten, Mrs Bane, Mr Cooper and Mr Lambert:-


5/5/15  E W Porter & Son – Lawful Development Certificate for occupation of Croft House in breach of an agricultural occupancy – Croft House, Lodge Road - No objections


7/5/15 Ms Kim Herrington – Rear & side extension – 2 Archers Avenue – No objections


15/5/15 Mrs Tiffany Smith – Conversion of barn to dwelling – Silver Cottage, 6 Hill Street – Concern was expressed about access to property