The Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday the 10th day of JULY 2017 at the Methodist Chapel, Bell Street – commencing 7.30 pm


COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Mrs Batten, Messrs Lambert, Cock, Cooper, Leamon and Rayner, Mrs Arnold, Mrs Bane and Mrs McGeeney.  Also present 10 members of the public and Sq Leader Neild.


APOLOGIES:  Received from Mr Storey.




MINUTES:  Amendment to Item 10; Mrs Bane said the donation of £20 was made by Mr John Bane not herself.  Minutes of the last meeting were then taken as read, agreed and duly signed by the Chairwoman.  


PUBLIC SPEAKING:  The meeting was suspended for 1 minute to allow members of the public to speak.


The Chair welcomed Mrs Susan Arnold to the meeting as a new Parish Councillor for the Feltwell Ward.




1.      RAF Feltwell – Sq Leader Neild said investigations had concluded that firing and demolition activities will continue to be carried out at RAF Feltwell as all other alternatives had unsatisfactory outcomes.  Sq Leader departed the meeting at 7.33 pm.


2.      SNT –Various Police Connect emails have been received.  Mr Cock said there had been an attempted lead theft at St Nicholas but the criminals were disturbed before any was taken.  Incident was reported to the Police.


3.      Risk Assessment – Mr Cooper visited the field earlier in the day and said overall it was clean and tidy.  The hole in the wall near the play area has been filled but debris has been left on the field side.  There is a piece of metal sticking out of the ground about 10 yards from the wall near the play area which needs attention.  An overgrown bush along the wall needs to be trimmed back and the tennis court needs a sweep.  Clerk to speak to Handyman about these issues.  Mrs Batten said her husband had to untie the knot in the chain to the zip wire seat again.  Whilst there, they had noticed that human faeces had been rubbed into the surface of the bench which they had cleaned up.  It was felt this and any future incident should be reported to the Police.  Mrs McGeeney said in the past when problems had occurred, some of the councillors had met with Feltwell students at the High School.  Mr Lambert said this sort of behaviour was totally unacceptable and suggested installing CCTV cameras.  Clerk to investigate.  Mrs McGeeney to carry out next Playing Field inspection.


4.      Balance Sheet – No queries.  


5.      Allotment Pest Control – No report for June received as yet.


6.      NALC – Weekly newsletters and updates have been circulated.  Clerk asked if she could attend a course entitled “The Role of the Clerk” at a cost of £100 + VAT.  Mrs Bane proposed, Mrs Batten seconded, all in favour.




7.      Skate Park – Mrs Bane said she had received communication from Sport England and the funding application for £35,000 is in the final round.


8.      Briefing sessions (i) Local Plan – Site Allocations & Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (ii) 5 year land supply – No further news.  Mr Storey was not present to comment on the training session he was due to attend on 24th April 2017.


9.      Highways – Redundant road signs need collecting and streets still need sweeping.  Clerk to contact Highways.  Pothole along High Street has been filled.  Mrs McGeeney asked if the cats-eyes are to be reinstated.  Clerk to enquire.


10.  Street Light Replacement – Clerk presented a sample of the Indo Air 1 lantern as an alternative to the Urbis Ambera of which 33 were ordered last year.  Mrs Bane suggested replacing 8 street lights along Lodge Road and 11 along Paynes Lane with the Indo Air 1 which uses 1 less watt of electricity than the Urbis Ampera and is considerably cheaper.  Most competitive quotation was from K&M Lighting at £205 + VAT per lantern.  Mrs Bane proposed purchasing 19 x Indo Air 1 lanterns from K&M Lighting, Mr Cooper seconded, all in favour.  Three maintenance contract quotes were presented, the cheapest from a company who were not recommended by two other parish councils, therefore Mr Lambert proposed renewing with K&M Lighting who were second cheapest at £1640.48/year, Mrs Arnold seconded, all in favour.


11.  Ranger Visit – Due to visit week commencing 24th July 2017, Clerk has emailed a list of work required.


12.  War Memorial – Paperwork has been sent, no reply as yet.


13.  Defibrillator – Training session date for defibrillator is proposed for 19th August 2017; Mr Rayner will confirm when a venue has been booked and advertise in Parish Magazine.


14.  Dogs on Playing Field – Ongoing.  Update to be received following review of responses to the proposed amendment to include all fenced in children’s play/recreational areas.


15.  Enquiry re Property for Sale on Edmund Moundeford Road – No response as yet.


16.  Resignation – Five applications have been received for the Casual Vacancy representing the Feltwell Ward.  Clerk to write to all candidates inviting them for an informal chat with all Parish Councillors on 19th July 2017.


17.  Website – Mr Rayner is still trying to make contact with Mr Garland.  Ongoing.


18.  Hedge – Hedge has been cut back.  Mr Lambert said the estate has been tidied up and repairs have been carried out and it generally looks a lot better.


19.  Alleyway – Hedge belonging to 23 Archers Avenue has not yet been cut back.


20.  West Norfolk Recycling Rewards – Mrs Bane said she is still looking into this as the nominee must be a charity.


21.  Allotment Report – Mr Cock said a special meeting was held on 23rd May 2017 where it was agreed that, under certain stipulations, fruit trees could be grown at the allotments.




21.  Allotment Report Cont. – At present, three allotments are vacant which Mr Cock has cleared and rotavated.  There is a problem with Japanese Knotweed at the base of the fence along Munsons Lane and this is being managed by Mr Cock and another tenant.  Following the June walkabout, several tenants were written to regarding the condition of their allotments and subsequently Allotments 3A and 6AL½ had been given up by the tenants.  Mrs Batten carried out the July walkabout and said there was still a lot of rubbish on the allotments.  Mr Storey to carry out the August walkabout.


22.  Proposed New Tenancy Agreement – Following the decision to allow fruit trees to be grown, the Allotment Committee decided that the current tenancy agreement needed reviewing and updating.  The new agreement has been created using a template provided by Norfolk ALC and adapted accordingly.  All Parish Councillors received a copy of the proposed new Tenancy Agreement and it was ratified by the whole Parish Council.  Mrs Batten proposed replacing the current tenancy agreement with the new one, all were in favour.  In accordance with the current agreement, Clerk will write to all tenants to inform them that their current agreement will expire on 29th September 2018 and a new one will be signed at Rent Night in October 2018.  Following advice from Norfolk ALC, she will also inform tenants that the new Tenancy Agreement can be issued before this date should they voluntarily agree.


23.  Resident’s Enquiry re Noise from the Base – Clerk read out email from resident asking why the volume from the Base had recently become louder.  Whilst Sq Leader Neild was present at the beginning of the meeting, he said this was due to the giant voice system being repaired.  He will ask if the volume can be lowered but said this could take time.


24.  Standing Order Amendment – Clerk said that due to her tax allowance being increased following the budget, her monthly wages had increased by 0.96 pence.  She had been paid this in her expenses since April but asked if her standing order could be increased accordingly.  Mr Lambert proposed adjusting the standing order, Mrs Bane seconded, all in favour.




25.  Norfolk Police Connect – Various emails received and circulated 

26.  Op Randall Rural Crime – Newsletters received and circulated as appropriate

27.  BCKLWN – Email – PowerPoint presentation by Paul Kingsley from the Local

Government Boundary Commission on the Borough Council’s Boundary Review

28.  Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) – Email – Electoral

Review of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk: Warding Arrangements 

29.  National Playing Fields Association – Email – Invitation to AGM 13/7/17

30.  RAF Lakenheath – Email – Invitation for Chair to attend the Joint Civic Summer Lunch

Reception 4/8/17 – Mrs Batten and her husband attending

31.  Brochures – Parish Magazine, Clerks & Councils Direct


32.  CHEQUES – Were signed for the following – J Martin (Expenses) £10.96, S Sargent £79.38, T George £44.80, Cash £5.00, Methodist Church £25.50, Post Office Ltd (SSE)

£589.96, Viridor £143.40, TOP Garden Services £342.85, Playmaintain £54.00, Net World Sports £122.94, H Brett & Son £300.00


33.  PLANNING – There were no planning applications.  




34.  Highways – Splays at the top of Lodge Road need cutting back, pothole near Oak Garden needs repair, loose drain cover at Elm Tree Corner.  Clerk to contact Highways.


35.  Verges – Mrs McGeeney asked if the verges along The Beck belonged to the Borough Council.  Clerk to make enquiries.


36.  Smell – Clerk to write to the Sugar Beet factory at Wissington to complain about the overpowering smell that is constantly being emitted.


37.  Parish Partnership Scheme Initiative – Letter received from Norfolk County Council stating this will be repeated again in financial year 2018/19.


Next meeting to be held on Monday 14th August 2017 at 7.30 pm. Meeting declared closed 8.20 pm.



Planning Application received after the July Meeting with deadline before the August Meeting as follows:-


Mr P Harrison – ((17/01307/F) Extension to bungalow at 27 St Nicholas Drive, Feltwell – NO OBJECTIONS.