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Written Records

April 2003

Well it's started and whatever we think of the war we surely must hope that its over soon and with a minimum of casualties. We must also spare a thought for those left behind, particularly as some of Feltwell's sons are over there. I pray that the boys come back unhurt, we certainly don't want any more names on the village Roll of Honour.

March has been a quiet month, both in the air and on the ground. We had a good quiz night in aid of St Mary's Church last weekend. The largest attendance for many a month and just under £300 was raised. Sue and I estimate that since we've been doing quiz nights over £12000 has been raised, that works out at £1000 a year. Something to be proud of, I think.

We have an author in our midst! Mrs Coreen Turner has had her first book published. It's not about life in a sleepy West Norfolk village, it's about Patrick Bronte, the father of the famous Bronte girls and it's called, 'Dear Saucy Pat: The Life of Patrick Bronte' and is available from amazon.co.uk. My wife is reading it at the moment and is most impressed, it's made her cry twice!

An advance date for your diaries. If you are in the village on Sunday 29th June you might want to participate in the Open Gardens event in aid of St Mary's Church. For a small fee you get to see some of the very lovely hidden corners of the village - people's back gardens!

On the website front I've achieved absolutely nothing this last month! I barely managed to keep up with the emails. I'm firmly of the opinion that very few Feltwell-relevant photographs are left out there and that that section of the website may be nearing completion. So what will I do with my time? Well, sitting on my desk are two, bursting at the seams, scrap books full of newspaper cuttings about Feltwell. One covers the period 1972-78 and the other 82-88. I plan to read through these, extract relevant information and update the Chronology section of the website as well as reprint the best in the magazine. After that the men in the white coats will take me away!

For those of you with connections to 75 Squadron I've been approached by the New Zealand branch who intend to build a website and would like to link through to the Feltwell RAF pages. I hope they can help me identify some of the airmen in the photographs.

Before I close I must say welcome back to two lost members - Gaynor Emerson and Geanie McManners. Membership is just under 150. I would also like to say how much I'm looking forward to meeting some of you this summer, I just hope I'm not away on holiday. If I am I'll arrange for someone else to show you around.