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All photos from Mrs Maureen Reid and relatives.

The Palmer Family

back_winelodge1.jpg (24942 bytes) back_winelodge2.jpg (35689 bytes) back_winelodge3.jpg (22904 bytes) children.jpg (18069 bytes) graves.jpg (21793 bytes) groupbikes.jpg (33015 bytes)
In the garden of what is now The Wine Lodge. Another family portrait in the garden. Ready to go out in the Pony and Trap. L to R. Anna, Clara, Mary Ann. All Palmers. 1875 The grave of Elizabeth Palmer Ready to go cycling.
palmer_family1.jpg (29638 bytes) palmer_family2.jpg (45375 bytes) palmershay_field.jpg (36447 bytes) Jonathan Palmer who lived in Feltwell from at least 1851 (apprentice to Moore's Drapers and Grocers in Feltwell) to at least 1890 by which time he had married the Moores' daughter and took ownership of the store in Cock Street - now High Street.

(We are trying to find marriage dates and to track down Samuel, his father and his roots - any ideas or frankly anything to do with Palmers - children being Arthur, Elisabeth, Fredrick, Nell, Anna, Clara and Mary Ann about which we have very little. Maureen Reid)

A note from Jennie (Horswell) (2011) Mary nee Palmer passed away in Switzerland February 2010 aged 68.

A family group. L to R. Arthur, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Frederick, Elizabeth with Ellen on lap, Charles. 1867 In the hay field at harvest. Jonathan Palmer centre and family.

From Keith Drage (october 2010)

On your web site you have a page for Jonathan PALMER (grocer and draper) and ask for more information on his antecedents. As there was an interaction with my FINCHAM family, I thought I would document what I have found.

Jonathan's father, Samuel was born around 1790, and baptized on 22 August 1790 at St. Mary's parish church, Lakenheath, Suffolk. Samuel was the son of William PALMER and Susannah.

Samuel became a farmer in Lakenheath, Suffolk.

Samuel first married Betsey (or Elizabeth) TURRINGTON at St. Mary's parish church, Lakenheath on 4th June 1811. There are five known children of this marriage, all baptized at St Mary's parish church, Lakenheath: Matthew PALMER, born in 1812; Samuel PALMER, born in 1814, Richard PALMER, born in 1816; Eliza PALMER, born in 1820; and Rebecca PALMER, born in 1826. Samuel died as an infant. Richard went on to be a farmer in Lakenheath, and his daughter Augusta PALMER is in Jonathan PALMER's household in the 1871 census

Betsey died sometime after 1826.

Samuel subsequently married Rebecca PIGGIT, daughter of John PIGGIT, an Innkeeper. John was probably the licensee of the what is now the Brewer's Tap in the High Street in Lakenheath. The marriage took place at St. Mary's parish church in Lakenheath on 29th October 1828. The known child of this marriage was Jonathan PALMER, born about 1832 and baptized at St. Mary's parish church in Lakenheath on 26th February 1832.

Samuel died on 20th September 1838, and was buried in St. Mary's parish church in Lakenheath.

Rebecca, Samuel's widow, subsequently married William FINCHAM, himself a widow (his former wife was Ann SERGEANT whom he married in Feltwell), and by then licensee of the Bell Inn in Lakenheath, although he was also a farmer. The marriage took place in St. Mary's parish church, Lakenheath on 5th March 1844. While William had seven children from his first marriage (five still living in 1844), William and Rebecca had no children.

William FINCHAM was born in Brandon, Suffolk, but his parents were Francis FINCHAM and Mary FULLER, who were the ancestors of all the FINCHAM's born in Feltwell, Norfolk. I do not know if that has a bearing on his subsequent apprenticeship of Jonathan PALMER (now William's stepson) to John MOORE, grocer and draper of Cock Street in Feltwell. Certainly a connection continued to exist, as Jonathan PALMER was the executor of the estate of William FINCHAM on his death in 1884. At the time of his death William FINCHAM had land in both Feltwell and Lakenheath. The Feltwell land amounted to about 5 acres. As executor, Jonathan PALMER was left £40 for his trouble, but otherwise did not figure in the legacies. William made his will in 1857 at which time four of his children by Ann SERGEANT were living, all given bequests in the will, but by the time of his death in 1884, two of those children had died unmarried, leaving Robert FINCHAM (to die in 1887, married in 1884 after William's death confusingly to another Rebecca, but without children) and Sarah Ann NEAVE formerly HENSBY formerly FINCHAM with a number of children, to inherit the estate.

Rebecca, William's widow (and before that Samuel's widow), and Jonathan's mother, was left a life interest in a house, and in her own right all the furniture. Rebecca died in 1888, but did not leave a will of her own; presumably Jonathan had to tidy up here estate as part of his responsibilies as executor of William FINCHAM.

Rebecca, William's widow, died in 1888.
