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75 Squadron material

Provided by Mick Strickland
Italics = information provided by Dan Engle

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75 Squadron Group Photographs. Taken at RAF Feltwell. Date unknown. Lack of aircrew brevets on any of the uniforms seems to indicate that these men are NCO’s & Erks. Man in the middle of the front row (with moustache) is likely to be F/Sgt. Murphy who was maintenance “chiefy” at Feltwell 1940-42. (Mentioned in the George Harrington Story).


Believed to be taken at Feltwell but little additional information is available, only this note below.  If you can help please email the webmaster.

Number 75 (NZ) Squadron Aircrew ... Feltwell 1940 Extreme left … standing: William Ainslie Reid, Air Ob. Seated 2nd row 6th from left (between peaked caps) F/O Fredrick John “Popeye” Lucas. On “Popeye’s” left F/Lt Aubry Breckon.

athol_james.jpg (207043 bytes)  From Brent James (10/2017): The person in front of “Popeye” is my father W/O Athol “Jimmy” James DFM NZ391328.

 He was a rear gunner and served at Feltwell between June and November 1940 and crewed with “Popeye” Lucas on at least 30 occasions. He was also there again from January to August 1941 and again crewed with Lucas on a number of occasions before being posted to 37 Squadron in the Middle East for another tour of duty, finishing up in May 1942 and returning to New Zealand.

athol_james_1940_10_01.jpg (130596 bytes)

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